Web Hosting Information

The Big Secret of Fabulous and Mediocre Web Site Hosting Companies

Most web site hosting services like the one you're probably using right now, provide you with space on which you can host your web site. These mediocre web site hosting companies will even help you set up your own email addresses and provide you with the ability to run your own scripts and programs.

Some of the better ones out here will even let you use a nice Eye Candy control panel to help you manage your site. If your lucky they'll even throw in a website statistics app as well. For most web site hosting companies that's about it! Most web site hosting services won't bother giving you more service for you money.

To be honest most people (me included) always thought this was okay until we woke up and realized that there's a lot more to running a internet business than simply hosting our site.

I quickly realized there are some new companies out there that offer way, way more than other companies. Some of these web site hosting services are really raising the bar several notches for all web site hosting services on the internet.

TopNotch Webhosting

In this short summary you'll find some of the features you need to be looking out for if you're looking for a new web site hosting service or planning to transfer your web site.

You need to be on the look out for:

1) A web site hosting service that helps you add new domains for a small fee without having to pay any additional monthly fee. So you can host many domains and still pay one monthly fee, thus saving you money.

2) A web site hosting service that will help you publish and manage your own newsletter so that you can regularly follow-up with your prospects and customers and thereby increase your sales. Look if they give you the option to publish a newsletter in both HTML and text format.

3) A web site hosting service that can set up an unlimited number of follow-up auto responders. So you can automatically follow-up with your prospects and send them a series of emails one after the other on any day you prefer.

4) A web site hosting service that helps you personalize all your newsletters and follow-up emails. So you can let all your newsletters and emails begin with something like "Hi Paul" or "Hi Peter". Most people know that personalizing emails has proven to increase response rates by as much as 40% - 50% in some cases. Prospects love it when they receive mails like this!

5) A web site hosting service that helps you set up your own affiliate program so that other website owners can promote your site or products and earn commissions on the sales or leads they produce for you.

6) A web site hosting service that gives you the possibility to track the results of all your advertising campaigns like banner ads, eZine ads, ads in pay per click engines like Google Adwords or Overture. By using such a feature you will know exactly how many visitors you are receiving from each source, but also how many sales you are receiving from each source. This information will help you make better decisions what to optimize and what to dump.

7) A web site hosting service that gives you the possibility to sell multiple items from your web site using a shopping cart that calculate things like taxes and shipping costs in real time!

8) A web site hosting service that helps you protect your download page if you want to sell digital products like e-books or software from your site. Or protect your members only site or signup page so that only legitimate customers can download your products or sign up for your membership site.

9) A web site hosting service that helps you set up junk mail filters so that any junk mail that you receive is filtered out before they reach your account.

10) A web site hosting service that contains a built-in anti-virus software so that any virus containing emails you receive will be automatically deleted.

11) A web site hosting service that has great costumer support. Fast response is important is this field. A good web site hosting service respond to you within 24 hours.

Author Paul Kelly

For more information about FREE Web hosting TopNotch WebHosting

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