Affiliate Revenue Information

6 BIG Benefits To Selling Big Ticket Items As An Affiliate

Today, we'll cover another set of benefits to selling Big Ticket items. BUT? this time we'llspecifically focus on the benefits of selling Big Ticket items as an AFFILIATE.

First, we had better define both Big Ticket Item and Affiliate.

A Big Ticket Item is any product or service that sells for more than $500 or$1000.

An Affiliate is someone who sells other people's products.

Or, at least, those are my definitions. I'm sure there are other possibledefinitions but for this article, let's stick with the simple descriptions I'vegiven, ok?

Now, let's take a close look at the BIG Benefits to selling Big Ticket Items AsAn Affiliate.

Benefit #1: Make MORE Money On Every Sale

As an affiliate selling Big Ticket Items you are going to make more from everysale. Typically, you receive some percentage of the sale as your reward fromthe product owner. This might range from 25%, 30%, 50% or maybe even 75% of thesale price.

An example should make this crystal clear. Say you're an affiliate for aproduct marketer who sells both E-books and Home Study Systems. The E-Booksells for $37 and the Home Study System sells for $1497. If your share of the saleas an affiliate is 50% then you make:

$37 * 0.50 = $18.50
$1497 * 0.50 = $748.50

I don't know about you but I'd much rather make $750 instead of $19!! BigTicket means bigger commissions for you.

Benefit #2: You Can Make Money WITHOUT Having Your Own Product

That's right! You don't have to create your own product. If you currently don'thave a product of your own, or even if you don't have a Big Ticket product ofyour own, you can still make money selling other people's products.

This removes all product creation costs from your budget as a marketer. Costssuch as time to create the product, paying for expertise in areas outside yourown, audio or video recording and editing, etc.

It also gives you more time to plan and think about a product or products thatyou want to create while making money selling other people's products.

However, you should ONLY choose affiliate products that you believe in and knoware of high quality. And ones that the product creator will support fully. Makesure that the product creator has an excellent reputation as you are puttingyour own reputation on the line by selling their products.

Benefit #3: You Can Make Money WITHOUT Having Your Own Website or Sales Copy

If you plan to sell on the web today, you must have a website. If you haveexpertise in or like to learn about website design then you can do thisyourself. Otherwise, you will hire someone to do this for you.

But as an affiliate, you don't have to worry about this! The website for theproduct will be hosted by the product owner. They will be responsible for thesales copy on the site, the shopping cart system that takes the order and mostother aspects of the sales process.

You are only responsible for referring people to them. If that person buys theproduct, you get paid!

Good product owners try to make it very easy for their affiliates to give themreferrals by providing sample email copy, sample banner, ezineand magazine ads and other promotional materials. As the affiliate, you simplyuse the provided materials to help promote the product in ways that you feelwill maximize sales opportunities.

So having the product owner responsible for all the sales copy and promotionalmaterials makes your life as an affiliate much easier. And especially for BigTicket Items, it reduces your costs immensely.


Because Big Ticket Items need longer sales copy tosell effectively due to their larger price tag. All possible objections must becountered. Every conceivable benefit to the customer needs to be listed. Andthe sales copy must be compelling.

Writing an excellent sales letter is time consuming and requires specificexpertise. In fact, it is not unusual to pay a professional copywriter anywherefrom $7,000 - $15,000 plus a percentage of the sales for a killer sales letter!

As an affiliate, someone else pays for that.

And this is true even if the sales letter is not on a website but is sent aspart of a direct marketing campaign instead.

Benefit #4: You Don't Have To Come Up With Bonuses As Incentives To Buy TheProduct

Today, product marketers often bundle bonuses with their products to increasethe value of the overall offer. These products typically don't cost very muchbut add a lot of value to the product. In many cases, the perceived value ofthe bonuses will be higher than the price of the product itself.

But this means that the product owners are constantly on the lookout for otherproducts to use as bonuses. Or they have to create them to sell as part of thepackage.

As an affiliate, you don't have this headache. The bonuses are the productowners responsibility.

Of course, if you think that you can provide a bonus that will make people buythe product from you as an affiliate you should definitely throw it in! This isone way you can differentiate your offer from any other offers on the sameproduct by other affiliates.

Benefit #5: No Inventory and No Shipping Hassles

As an affiliate, you don't have to have stacks of paper, shipping boxes, reamsof stamps, Jewel Cases, CDs, Binding Materials or any of the raw materialstypically needed to create and ship Big Ticket products. And you don't have tostock any of the product, period!

All the packaging and shipping of orders is handled by the product owner ortheir fulfillment center. So you don't have to worry about trying to find yourcar under an avalanche of product and materials :-)

Benefit #6: Affiliate Selling is the Easiest Way To Start Making Money WithBig Ticket Items

I hope by now, after reading the first 5 benefits, you can see how easy itreally is to sell Big Ticket items and make money. This is a HUGE benefit andso it's worth calling out as a separate benefit of its own.

Most affiliate programs are super easy to join (after all the product ownerwants to encourage people to sell their product and help them make money). Youget an affiliate id of some sort and a way to use that id to refer customers tothe product. As I mentioned before, you are often given all the copy for adsand emails you can use. Plus the website is done and ready to convert allprospective customers. All the shipping and filling of orders is handled by theproduct owner as well.

Your startup costs to become an affiliate are very low (almost zero) and yourmain job is to get more prospective customer "eyeballs" on the offer. Thiscould be traffic to the product website or a postal mail direct marketingcampaign.

You can start making big money with Big Ticket items almost immediately!

Copyright (C) 2005 Chuck Daniel, Like Magic Marketing, LLC -- All Rights Reserved.

Chuck is a former Microsoft software designer and program manager who spent more than a decade happily working on Email and CRM. Admittedly a seminar, workshop and information addict, Chuck left Microsoft to pursue his interests in personal development, internet, direct and information marketing and to promote and work for charitable causes.

Chuck Daniel
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