Affiliate Revenue Information

Why Super Affiliates Succeed

Ever wonder why the super affiliates areraking it in and you're still strugglingwith affiliate programs?

Okay, it is an advantage to have a web sitewith good traffic and a program related tothe theme of the web site.It is also important to have a large listto which you can recommend your program.

However, super affiliates do not get richfor these reasons alone.

The main reason super affiliates succeed sowell is that they choose to promote programsthat have residual or lifetime commissionsand NOT commissions for single sales only.

What happens in most affiliate programs isthat the company which owns the productpays the affiliate for a single sale only.Sometimes, these programs are 2-tier.However, the principle remains the same - onesale, one commission.

Therefore, super affiliates choose to promoteprograms with residual or lifetime commissions.That is, they make a sale of a product which requires constant renewal - such as web hostingevery month or a health product for a specificremedy.

That way, the affiliate does the work once andgets paid over and over in the future on thebasis of that one sale.

The best programs are the small number thatoffer lifetime commissions. These programsallow you to keep the customer for life afteryou make one sale to that person.So you may sell an ebook in the first instanceand the customer comes back in perhaps a year or two and buys something else from the same company. As the customer is "yours", you will get the commisssion.

In this way, the residual and lifetime commissions mount up and continue to grow for the same amount of work. Definitely, a case of "work smarter, not harder".

Many of these super affiliates could stop worknow and continue to earn an income similarto what they are making today on the basisof these residual/lifetime programs.

Super affiliates know that to struggle tomake one commisssion for one sale is hardwork. Shouldn't you join them by promotingprograms with residual or lifetime commissions?

(c) John Lynch

For an affiliate program that offers residual and lifetime commisssions, SiteSell is a leader in internet marketing promoting the top selling web site design software. )


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