Customer Service Information

Customer Service For Huge Profits

Customer service is the most vital asset for Businesseither it is online or offline. It's the critical factorwhich determines if your business has a future or not.There are two vital components to every interaction youhave with a customer

1) The purchase or transaction 2) The relationship

In order to distinguish yourself among your competition,providing just good service is not enough. The same do yourcompetitors. You must provide EXCELLENT service. That willhappen following these rules:

a) Solve your customer's problems as fast as you canwithout hassles.

b) Your employers should know their stuff and be welltrained.

c) Treat customers with respect, a quick response, andappreciation

d) Authorize employees to provide as accurate informationas they can and make things happen for customers.

e) The customer should leave with a positive feeling.

One of the most serious problems corporations and smallbusiness deal with customers is the defection effect. It isthe silent process where the customer takes his businessfrom you and start dealing with your competition. Thishappens without yelling, showing disappointment for yourservice up front.

That process applies to many industries and trade sections.It's an epidemic. The cure here is to do the best you canin order the customer come back again and again. Most ofyour profits will come from few large accounts orderingcontinuously.

With these customers you should focus your efforts andcustomer service. For example you could create a toll freecall line 24/7 for tiding your large firms you do businesswith.

On the other hand, that does not mean that you should leaveyour small clients "out in the cold". Supporting them isimportant too. Imagine what it would happen if a largecustomer stops working with you? What do you think theconsequences for your company would be if you left yoursmall customers?

Of course it costs less keeping a customer, who makesrevenue by continual orders, than chasing and finding newclients. It's not a secret the 80/20 rule, meaning that 80%of your profits will be produced from the 20% of yourclients. The rates of course are not absolute, it could be98% to 2%. There are Real life examples for these rates.

After all, the most effective advertising in the businessworld is the "word-of-mouth advertising." It's so effectivebecause the testimonials gains trust , which means thehappy client has no self-interest causes for proposing aparticular firm to his friend.

This can be accomplished ifyou have provided exceptional service to your clients.Another important factor of great customer service is thatit has to be countable. For example: " You must answer thephone fast" doesn't mean anything . On the contrary : "Youmust answer the phone sooner that the third ring" is anaccurate customer service rule.

Finally, one of the mostimportant leaps in customer service we can find in today'sbusiness world is the individual section mindset most ofthe companies follow. That means the interactions betweenthe different sections of the company (Sales/Telemarketing,Shipping, Technical support, Credit/Collections, Orderprocessing) do not function as a team but more often asindividual sectors of the firm.

The most discouragingfeeling for a customer is dealing with more departmentswith lack of critical information between them and notbeing able to find a solution to the problem.

Christos Varsamis is the creator and owner of the Sign for your 7 day FREE e-course to "How to TRACE a Legitimate business Opportunity."


311 Customer Service Center  City and County of San Francisco

Help  Department of Taxation and Finance

Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP)  New York State Department of Health

Contact Us About Your Bill

Customer Service Center

Customer Service & Support  Hillsborough County (.gov)

3 Ways To Quickly Make $50  GOBankingRates

Welcome to Riverside Public Utilities  City of Riverside (.gov)

Celebrate Customer Service Week  City of Riverside (.gov)

Lifeline Support for Affordable Communications  Federal Communications Commission

Department of Transportation  Governor Tom Wolf

Launch of New Districtwide Customer Service Platform  The School District of Philadelphia

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