Data Recovery Information

Online Data Backups for Newbies

How long have you been doing business online? Whether you are new or an old timer you need to understand the one important truth of the e-world. That being that the largest threat to business survival is data loss.

Online data backup is not just for huge multinational corporations and computer geeks anymore. More and more everyday computer users are saving important data to their hard drives. From schoolwork to financial documents, digital media files to journal entries, our computers are storing more and more digital data that holds personal, and in some cases monetary, value to us. It is because of this that online data storage and other backup solutions are becoming more and more critical to our everyday lives.

If the statements above describe you, you should consider utilizing an offsite data backup solution. These online-based backup providers come in many forms but can be very easy to use and convenient for end users to implement no matter what the platform or how large the network. Whether you need to back up a single laptop, or an entire network of machines, there is an online data backup solution that will meet your needs.

Although there are several methods to accomplish online backup and data retrieval the simplest method is for the end user to install a backup package that has been pre-configured to connect to the service provider's offsite servers (supplied by the offsite backup service provider). This software will allow you, the end user, to select a number of customizable settings, including what directories and files to backup, how often to back them up, number of file revisions to archive, etc. These packages take care of the complicated details such as server IP addresses, encryption levels, and secure logins for you so you can concern yourself with the important choices of what and when to backup.

Once you have set up an account with a service provider and have configured your software the rest of the process is typically transparent and requires little to no interaction from you. You can choose to be notified (via email or various other methods depending on provider) of successful backups for your records and to provide peace-of-mind, but beyond that, you can usually "set and forget" these solutions and rest assured knowing that the most critical data you generate is being saved in a safe and secure manner that is easily accessible to you whenever you may need it.

Your DATA is your LIFE. Protect it!

Harald Anderson is a freelance writer and webmaster for an online backup service. Experience the Digital Peace of Mind that safe, secure, encrypted online data backups can offer. Online Backups

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