Domain Name Information

Selecting a Domain Name Registrar - How to Avoid Getting Burned

When it comes to registering your domain name you want to pick a domain name registrar that will work with you, help you choose the best domain name, not overcharge you, and provide you with all of the information you need to make the best possible decisions regarding your registrar account. There are thousands of domain name registrars on the net and most of them offer the service legitimately and at an affordable price. However, there are certain sites you will want to look out for and the following suggestions will give you some information on questions you should ask and answers you should have in writing before doing business with a registrar.

* Make Sure You Own It

First of all, when you register and buy your domain name you want to make sure you are buying it and that it is yours. You don't want to simply register a domain name under someone else's control. This looks unprofessional and does not give you the presence on the web you are looking for. Instead, ask the registrar if you are buying the URL and if you will own it, the answer might surprise you.

* ICANN Accreditation

No matter what domain name registrar you choose make sure they are accredited by ICANN, which stands for the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers. If they are accredited, then they are more than likely a legitimate registrar with which to do business.

* Expiration Date

You also need to ask how long you are buying the URL for and what the expiration date is. There is nothing worse than not knowing how long your registration is good for and then all of a sudden having you URL expire. Don't let this happen to you! Instead, register your domain name for as many years in advance as possible and if the address is about to expire let your registrar know you expect to receive notification.

* Contact Information

Contact information for your domain name registrar should be readily available and they should be available at all times that they say they are. You might want to test this to make sure they are available before you buy from them. There is no particular registrar you must buy from, so if you are uncomfortable with one simply move on to another.

* Hosting

Another important question to ask your domain name registrar is if they offer hosting services as well. Many of them do and frequently a two in one package is an easy and effective way to go. However, make sure you have all the information and answers you need before buying a domain name or signing up for hosting.

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