E-Book Information

7 Secrets to Explode your eBook Sales! Part 3

Secret #3: Creating an avalanche of sales with Freeware/Shareware sites:

Copyright 2004 Bluedolphin Crow - All Rights Reserved.


Freeware/shareware sites provide a unique opportunityto market your eBooks. This type of marketing methodallows the buyer to try your eBook on their computerbefore paying for it. You simply password protect partof your eBook.

There are numerous freeware/shareware sites on the Internet.Most offer software. There are some, however, which willallow ebooks in EXE format to be listed and sold as software.

After you begin to utilize this avenue of marketing you'llbegin to notice a steady stream of sales. Many of the sitesalso list the number of downloads you have had, next to thetitle of your eBook listing, making it easy to track your sales.

Unfortunately at this time you cannot upload PDF ebooks, they are considered documents and not software.

One thing you will have to watch out for are the sites what charge a fee for listing your ebook.

What I do is list my ebook at the free sites first. Then I take some of the profits from those sales and apply it to the sites that charge a fee.

The sites that charge a fee are the larger sitesand many people have sold thousands of copies of theirebooks on them.

One more thing to know about freeware/shareware sites. In order to qualify to have your ebook on the sites you must be able to give it away for free.

Now, those of you who are selling your ebook thereis an easy way to accomplish this. You simply makeanother copy of your ebook, and this time you passwordprotect most of it.

You should allow the buyer to see the table of contentsand one or two chapters for free. Then when they want to read the rest of the ebook they have to buy it.

I have also found it is better to stay away from the automated programs when dealing with the freeware/shareware sites. They do not include the best sites and many of the sites will not list you if you use them.

Although this is a way to really increase your sales, don't fall prey to the one mistake many eMarketers make. Many of them list their eBook on a few of freeware/shareware sites, get a jump in sales and then promptly forget to list at the rest of the sites.

Your goal with Freeware/shareware sites is to maintain a large steady increase of sales not just a temporary jump.

Here is one of the Freeware/shareware sites that allowyou to list your eBook for free. Plus, they will listyou on all 6 of their sites at the same time!


Happy listing!

Blessings,Bluedolphin Crow

About the AuthorBluedolphin Crow Ph.D. is the author of an eBook called: eBook-Marketing-Secrets-Revealed! Rreserve your copy go to:http://www.ebook-marketing-secrets-revealed.com


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