E-Book Information

6 Good Reasons For Writing An eBook

Electronic books also known as ebooks for short are one of thehottest properties on the Internet. The benefits of writingan ebook are enormous.

As an Internet business owner, ebooks are powerful tools thatyou can use to grow your business. Here are 6 good reasons forwriting an ebook:

(1) Easy to create

Ebooks are fairly easy to create and don't require any specialknowledge. Basically you can create ebooks in two differentformats ie .exe and .pdf. Ebooks in .exe format can be readby Window users but not Macintosh computers whereas .pdf formatscan be read by both. You just need Adobe Acrobat Reader to beable to open pdf files which you can download free at


There are a list of ebook compilers available on the marketthat you can use to create .exe ebooks and .pdf ebooks.

(2) No big investment needed

Creating an ebook does not require a big investment. I make useof Activ eBook Compiler to create .exe ebooks. You can try thesoftware free at http://www.ebookcompiler.com but therewill be ads in your ebook front page when you build it. For anactivation fee, the ads will be removed. This is a nice piece ofsoftware. I really like it and it's fairly easy to use when youget accustomed to the software.

To create pdf ebooks, you can go to http://www.gohtm.com/convert_pdf.aspThis is a free web based service that you can use to convert yourword documents and other file formats to pdf documents.

(3) Developing your own paid product

If you know how to build your own ebook, you can easily create yourown product to make real money. You just need to write what youknow about. The Internet is a highway of information and you needto create a product which focus on a specific topic. Basicallythere is a huge potential for creating your own information productsand there is an infinite number of topics you can write about.

Not just topics related to internet marketing and online businessbut other themes like cooking, gardening, pets etc. Now these areniche topics and if you have knowledge in these areas, you caneasily create an info product in a digital format like an ebooktalking about this.

(4) Fast and instant delivery

A big advantage with ebooks is that the delivery process is fastand instant. You don't need product shipping for you don't haveany physical inventory due to the fact that an ebook is purelydigital. You can give an unlimited number of copies to yourcustomers.

(5) Subscriber generation

If you can create your own ebooks, why not create a useful ebookpacked with quality information, then offer it as a bonus or giftto generate new subscribers to your newsletter. This is anattractive incentive to gain new subscribers.

(6) Viral Marketing Effects

Good ebooks can become your own traffic machine and it can has aviral marketing effect. By viral, I mean it can propagate acrossthe Internet, hence your business can get big exposure for yourebook contains links to your websites.

Say you create an ebook packed with great articles that you'vewritten and you allow others to distribute it freely to their ownsusbcribers to give them quality information, or to get newsubscribers, your ebook and business will have great exposure.If you have a quality ebook, some product owners might even useit as a bonus to add more value to their offer.

Ebooks are becoming more and more popular on the Internet thesedays for there is a huge potential to build a successful onlinebusiness around them. So go ahead and start creating your ownebooks be it free or paid.

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Jean Lam is the author of the highly acclaimed eBookTop Search Engine Ranking Secrets in Google Revealed,a concise, step-by-step guide to high search engine ranking forthe beginner to intermediate level webmaster.


Ebooks - Now Available from Bookshop.org  Buy books online. Support local bookstores.

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Free eBooks  Catholic Culture

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