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Shorten Your Journey to Book Success with Teleclasses - Part 1

Are you an author who wants your book to be a success? Have you read books, but still need some handholding on how best to promote your book? Are local seminars on book marketing and promotion just not available to you?

Something wonderful has happened with our flattening world. We can now give and attend seminars over the phone. As a presenter, I send by email ahead of the teleclass the workbooks and how to materials. If you have joined an eNewsletter like Dan Poynter's "Publishing Poynter's" or Judy Cullins, "The Book Coach Says..." or John Kremer's "Book Marketing Tip of the Week, you probably have seen teleclasses offered in them.

What is a Teleclass?

A teleclass is a telephone conference call. It's non-techie, conducted completely on the phone! You don't need a computer to attend. You dial into a conference number you'll receive when you register for the class. You will have the option to speak during designated times in the class (making this an interactive experience), though you don't have to talk if you don't want to. You can call in to the U.S. telephone number from all over the world.

Who Comes to the Teleclasses?

People from the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and other countries pay long distance fees to get this hands-on learning. From a US phone the fees are usually from $3-$5. Any author who wants to not only share his book's good information, but wants to make good income from it will come to a teleclass.

Maybe you resist or haven't tried a teleclass because...

-You think you need a computer to do it. Would you be open to knowing that teleclasses use only a phone, not a computer?

-You think you won't get handouts to read at your leisure. Would you be open to knowing most teleclasses include reports, transcripts, eBooks, and bonus reports?

-You don't have time. Would you be open to knowing that teleclasses are much shorter than regular seminars--usually only 55 minutes at the end of the day after work hours?

-Your English is a second language and you are afraid to lose something. Would you be open to know that if the teacher is sharp, she will take your questions after each main point?

-You aren't a good listener. Me too, but would you be open to know that it's good to get the other participant's input and questions to learn from the interaction?

-You feel it may be pressure to keep up. You want your information slowly. Would you be open to getting a written transcript of the teleclass? You can have a take home of each word.

-The money. Would you be open to paying only $25-$50 for information you can't get most places?. That is much cheaper than making costly mistakes in time and money.

-You think you can't ask questions. Would you be open to knowing there is usually a Q and A part of each call? Each call should be interactive.

-You feel you need to see the presenter in person--to see the action. Would you be open to seeing my mug shot on my home page? Smile.

-You feel that you won't be able to hear well enough on the phone. Would you be open to knowing presenters make a point to speak clearly and loudly for all to hear?

-You never have experienced it and have some trepidation. Would you be open to trying a good, new way to learn? Your presenter will help you relax and enjoy the interaction.

How Many will Come to the Teleclass?

That depends on the style of the teleclass. The more interactive ones usually have from 6-25 participants. For a marathon of questions and answers, the presenters may increase the time to two hours and take up to 100 participants.

What Happens on the Call?

First, the presenter will remind you to use a land phone, and to close the door to noise. We want everyone on the call to hear and get a lot from it. During the teleclass you will receive timely tips, tools, strategies, resources and techniques from professionals in your field. They address your questions and challenges to help you reach your goals.

When you come to the call, your presenter will ask for your name, and welcome you to the call. Then, you will receive the goals for the class--what questions the presenter will help you get answers for during the 55-minute to 1-hour program. You can interact and ask questions along the way.

Teleclasses are the most cost-effective, quickest, and easiest way to stay on top of your book, business, and marketing skills. They don't replace one-on-one coaching, but they can shorten your learning curve before you spend money on a coach.

Part two of this article is available at www.bookcoaching.com/freearticles/article-183.shtml or article-183@bookcoaching.com.

Judy Cullins 2005 All Rights Reserved.

Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in people's lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Judy is author of 10 eBooks including Write your eBook or Other Short Book Fast, Ten Non-Techie Ways to Market Your Book Online, The Fast and Cheap Way to Explode Your Targeted Web Traffic, and Power Writing for Web Sites That Sell. She offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, "The BookCoach Says...," "Business Tip of the Month," blog Q & A at http://www.bookcoaching.com and over 185 free articles.

Email her at Judy@bookcoaching.com
Phone: 619/466-0622 -- Orders: 866/200-9743


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