Email Marketing Information

Whats on YOUR Subscriber Thank-You Page?

When I coach my clients on how to get more business from their e-zines, I'm delighted to see that they spend time on creating content that builds a relationship with their readers. But I see many of these publishers overlooking the very beginning of their valuable relationship with their subscribers. For example, the "thank-you" page. If I sign up for your e-zine at your site, where am I taken afterwards? I hope it's not a page that only says something vague like "form received" or even worse, nothing, leaving me wondering whether my signup was successful. Create a thank-you page where new signups go to right after they complete the form. On this page, be sure to:

  • Thank me for signing up!

    Example: "Thank you for subscribing to [E-zine Name Here]!"

  • Let me know if I need to do anything else.

    For example, do I have to watch my e-mail inbox for a confirmation message? This is ESPECIALLY important if you use a double opt-in process that requires me to reply or click on a link in that e-mail in order to complete my sign-up. If you don't point this out on the thank-you page, there's a chance that I'll assume the e-mail I receive is just a welcome letter and won't open it.

  • Make it feel personal.

    Include your photo and signature if you can. Being personal helps me feel like I know you, and remember this is important because I'm more likely to BUY from those I feel I know and trust.

  • Ask for their ideas.

    This fast-forwards your relationship with your subscribers by already making them feel like you care. Something like this will do: "I'd love to hear what topics YOU would most like to see covered in upcoming issues of [E-zine Name Here]." Put your e-mail address right on the page and make it clickable.

    You can also insert an automatic subject line in the link such as "ezine_idea" by forming your link like this: When someone clicks on that link, it will automatically create an e-mail addressed to you with the subject line "ezine_idea." This will help you keep these requests organized on your end.

  • Give me a special offer right then and there.

    Why not give them a discount on one of your products or services right there? For example, you could say, "I know you signed up for my e-zine to get great tips on [subject matter here]. Wouldn't you like to get started right away? My [book, special report, teleseminar etc.] will walk you through the entire process, step by step. And if you act right now, I'll give you a 10% discount. Cl1ck here to learn more."

  • Recommend someone ELSE's e-zine.

    No, that wasn't a typo. Find one or two other publishers whose target market matches yours but who aren't direct competitors, and cross promote each other on your thank-you pages. This process is also called "co-registration."

    The copy might read, "Don't miss these other two e-zines that I read regularly and highly recommend!" Then follow with brief descriptions and sign-up instructions.

    Several publishers I know with very large lists share that this method has been one of their best ways to gain subscribers faster on a regular basis. And your new subscribers will be happy to consider whatever other resources you recommend.
  • Remember, You're Laying the Foundation

    The point of all this? By taking extra care with your new signups, you lay the foundation for a long and profitable relationship with your readers.

    (c) 2003 Alexandria K. Brown


    Alexandria K. Brown, "The E-zine Queen," is author of the award-winning manual, "Boost Business With Your Own E-zine." To learn more about her book and sign up for more FREE tips like these, visit her site at

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