Email Marketing Information

Do You Build Or Buy? (Tips On Leadgeneration)

Every marketer needs leads, they are the lifeblood of youronline business. However not every marketer knows how toeffectively "work" their leads.

Your mailinglist can be a goldmine if you know how to dothat!

Here are a couple of tips that will help you build, manageand "work" your list to its fullest potential.

Building your list:

Nowadays you can buy leads by the thousands if not millionson the internet. Lead company's telling you their leads areoptin and unique. Well my friend nothing could be furtherfrom the truth!

The majority of these companies "cycle" their leads, asthey call it. This means that your leads will be used byother people as well, making your chances of success slim.

Besides this point, sending a bulkmaling to huge quantitiesof so called optin leads will eventually result incomplaints and in the worst case you will be shutdown byyour isp.

There is a better way to build your list. You can generateyour own leads easily by using a simple form on yourwebsite or popup/under inviting people to join yourlist/newsletter.

The leads you generate this way will be very targetted andof very high quality. You may not generate over a millionleads but its better to have a thousand high quality leadsthen a million low quality leads wich only causecomplaints.

"Working" your list:

Now that you are starting to generate your own leads letshave a go of "working" them. This basically means followingup on them periodically with a newslettter and/orinformation about your offer.

I recommend using an autoresponder for this task as it willput your business on autopilot and saves you a lot of work.

Over time you will notice that people will send you emailsasking more information about your offer. When you reply tothese people be as personal as possible. Put yourself intheir positition, what would you want for an answer to aspecific question etc. You may want to offer themadditional help of some sort, this creates trust and trustis very important in doing business online.

This is basically what it comes down to in lead generationand management.

To your success!

Erol ALici

Erol Alici publishes "Home Based Business Success" aninformative newsletter dedicated to supporting people buildtheir online business. If you`re looking for the bestopportunities, the latest tips and helpful support from anhonest friend in the business then grab your F-R-E-Esubscription today at: or send a blankemail to you'll be gladyou did!


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