Internet Marketing Information

3 Highly Effective Strategies To Power Up Your Business in 2005

Whatever your business resolutions may be for this year, youneed to take action. Each day that passes by is lost profitsif you don't do anything to improve your business. Everyonewants to have more and more success but if you just stay thereand dream about being more successful, you will never reachyour goals.

As a matter of fact, it's imperative that you work on awell-constructed business plan to ensure that you meet yourobjectives. By using a road map for your future promotions, youwill be more focused and motivated. Just remember, doing a littleevery day can lead to a huge accomplishment in the future.

You should always try to improve your business wherever you canand make more profits because there are so many differentprofitable marketing techniques that you can use to boost yourbusiness.

With that said, let's see some of these lucrative promotionstrategies that will skyrocket your sales and profits.

(1) Pay Per Click(PPC) Search Engines

Pay Per Click search engines are among one of the quickestways to drive targeted traffic to your website. You just bidon keywords related to your site and you can get a top listingalong with the organic search engine listings.

Bidding and keyword research are critical to the success of yourcampaigns. If you bid high for high competition keywords, youcan be sure to get a good placement in the PPC. An example withGoogle Adwords, positions 2-4 are usually very good. Of course,position 1 is the best but you will be paying the highest bidand your budget can be drained quite fast.

If you bid for low competion keywords, you can pay for as lowas 5 cents and expect a top listing because there won't bemany ads competing for these keywords. Hence, if you can getlots of these low competition keywords which bring you highlytargeted clicks, that will be a very profitable campaign.

Then you just need to ensure that you either get these visitorsto subscribe to your newsletter or buy whatever product orservice you might be offering.

The most difficult parts are to get the right keywords and sufficient amount of clicks to prevent your keywords from beingslowed or disabled. When this happen, your ad will disappear.The best status for your keyword should always be "normal",hence it will be shown at full delivery. To solve this issue,your ad must be eye catching, it can arouse curiosity, it canstate a benefit in the description, it can include a call toaction and it helps if the ad itself contains the keywordyou're targeting.

It takes a few minutes to set up an account with AdWords at

To search for potential related keywords for your website, youcan make use of Overture search tool at

or Google AdWords Keyword Tool at

Some changes at AdWords, if you are promoting affiliate products,you no longer need to identify yourself as an affiliate and includethe abbreviation for affiliate ie "aff" in your ad description.

In addition, if there are several ads promoting the same productby using the same keyword, only one ad will be displayed now.Hence there won't be duplicate ads. A higher rank for your adwill be determined based on its maximum cost-per-click(CPC) andclickthrough rate(CTR) just like before.

To solve this issue, you can promote that same product onyour own website instead of linking directly to the merchant'ssite.

To know how much advertisers are paying for keywords, check outOverture bid tool at

This can give you an idea for the competitivity of the keywords.

Advertising on Overture is more costly and depending on yourindustry, usually you will reach over 80% of active Internetusers than on AdWords because your site will also appear onOverture's network of sites like MSN, Yahoo, Altavista, Infospaceand CNN amongst others as sponsored sites.

To sign up for an account at Overture, go to this url

(2) Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

Getting free traffic from the search engines is one of themost powerful marketing tactics because not only are younot paying a dime but the traffic just like PPC is extremelytargeted. People coming to your site after making a searchon the search engines is one of the best methods to delivergood results.

Getting your site noticed and ranked high in the search enginestakes time and work but the long lasting traffic is well worththe effort.

To optimize your site, consider putting your targeted keywordsin your title, description, include some keywords in your content,and most importantly, get quality relevant links to your site.

While you will be waiting for your rankings to appear on thesearch engines, an advice is to drive traffic via the PPC in themeantime.

(3) Affiliate Program

An affiliate program is a type of joint venture and is a highly effectivetechnique to generate new streams of traffic and skyrocket your sales.

And best of all, it's FREE advertising and minimal effort on yourpart in contrast to ppc and seo where you have to work for yourrankings or pay for every click.

On the contrary, you can capitalize on other webmasters' existingwebsites which are already getting traffic and if you have a productor service, it does not cost you anything to contact these businessowners and offer them to join your affiliate program to promoteyour product in return for a commission. Persuading them and finallyrecruiting them is the hardest part of your job and you have tomake sure that your joint venture proposal is convincing andinteresting.

Furthermore, you can also profit from other marketers opt in emaillists and you can get a flood of new customers very quickly.

Promoting your business constantly and regularly is the key tolong term growths. Take action today and start to work on youronline business goals by implementing the strategies mentionedabove. Every day and month which goes by is only lost time whichcould have been used to market your business slowly but surely.

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Jean Lam is the editor of Web Biz Secrets Newsletter. Subscribe today for powerful marketing tips and receive his new PDF eBook "3 SureFire Ways To Start An InternetBusiness And Strategies To Promote It"

Visit his Internet Marketing Resource website.


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