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Sheep Spend and Lose, Leaders Make Money
Remember that leaders spend more money on learning and growing, but they do their homework and work hard to make money. Sheep follow the herd blindly with their wallets open hoping someone else will will do their work for them. Jumping into the newest multi-level marketing program will drain your wallet and your faith in humanity. You're checking out internet marketing? Great! Just be sure to market what you're passionate about so you don't bail off the ship at the first sign of crashing waves and high winds. There will be obstacles and the way to go through them is to be putting your time, energy and money into work you're passionate about. Be smart. Don't join any program that hasn't been around and proven itself. There are a lot of programs popping up that look like you can join and make a lot of money from the "spill factor." It's a myth. I've been on the receiving end of that one and saw many others there with me. I even created a lot of spill and saw it go away a few months later. Yes, you can make money from getting "spill," but the people who really benefit are the ones CREATING the spill. Not the receivers of the spill. Like everything in life, the fruits go to those who provide the labor. Would you rather receive the benefits of being Bill Gates who created Microsoft or receive the benefits of getting welfare because you signed up for the program and chose not to work? (Which is the same as signing up for a multi-level program that you don't do any work on building yourself). Forget the money, which one is more satisfying to your soul? Nothing against these programs, as with everything, 20% of the people involved make 80% of the money. That's true in every industry and yes, some people make a lot of money, but they work their butts off to get there. They deserve the money they EARN. If you're looking for a free ride, it ain't gonna happen my friend. It takes commitment and a good work ethic to produce results no matter what you're doing. A big problem with these programs is that almost everyone who jumps in is hoping to pay some cash in the hopes of cashing out like they bought a lottery ticket. Business opportunities aren't lottery tickets. I know this flies against the lack of common sense used by the "biz op seeking herd of sheep," but it's the flat out truth. Do you know of ANY business that generated a lot of money without someone or many someone's putting in hard work? Why would you expect anything less from a home based business? It's home based, but it's still a business. It's no less legitimate than a non-home-based business, the only difference is that you get a lot more money and freedom...once it's built. You have to build it. It doesn't build itself for you. And you have to do research on the business to make sure it's not a scam before you put down your cash or give up your credit card number. Can you make money while you sleep? Definitely. Do you have to put in work and build a foundation, a reputation and...a business first? Definitely. Can you buy into some new program, advertise it for a week or two to see how it does and make a lot of money? Definitely not. Tire kickers don't make money with any business. So what should you do? I invite you to look inside yourself, maybe look at what turned you on as a child and make money with something related to that. What did the acorn inside you do with all the free time you had as a child? Did you write, race, build, help others? Do what works for your soul. I understand the pull to want to make money easily. I was pulled into that trap many times before I figured out that I had to do what felt more like play to me than work. Then I had to make a commitment to succeed and do everything possible to make it happen. When you see a herd of sheep racing toward the "next big thing" exercise caution, slowly head in the other direction and don't try it out until you've given it a year to prove that it'll still be around. Otherwise your time, effort and money will have ran out to pasture with all the other sheep. Instead, study leaders in the field you're interested in, copy what works for them (using your own unique style), and build a foundation that will get you to the bank with the most money. As our friend the tortoise showed us in his race against the hare, slow and steady wins the race every time. About The Author Sopan Greene, M.A. is a marketing & life coach & editor of the Net Profits newsletter. Get 2 FREE eBooks & a FREE report: "Million Dollar Emails","How To Start Your Own Traffic Virus" & "The 13 Deadly Internet Marketing Mistakes Almost Every Business Is Making..."
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