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Internet Marketing Information |
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How To Use the Multiplier Effect in Web Marketing
One of the most exciting things about doing businessonline is the Multiplier Effect. It's the principalfactor behind some of the fortunes that have been madeon the Internet. How does it work? The Multiplier Effect occurs when your marketingtechnique either: A) replicates itself over and over again, orB) feeds into other marketing techniques A classic example of the first kind of MultiplierEffect is the Free E-Book. Ten people download your Free E-book and offer it fromtheir websites. Those ten people each get downloadsand it's now being offered on 100 websites, and so on. The second type of Multiplier Effect occurs when onemarketing technique results in benefits from anothermarketing technique. A good example of this is Link Exchange. Let's say you get links on 100 different websites.When the Search Engines spider those websites, theyfind your link. Your 'link popularity' then increasesand as a result, your ranking in the Search Enginesgoes up. This kind of Multiplier Effect often results in a'feedback loop'. Because your website now ranks higher in the SearchEngines, more people want to exchange links with you.You now have links on 300 different websites. This inturn gives you an even higher ranking in the SearchEngines, and so on. Some marketing techniques have no Multiplier Effect.For example, posting to FFA sites - after only a fewhours your ad drops off the FFA site and you have tostart again. One of the most powerful Multiplier Effects I know ofoccurs when you write Ezine Articles. The main purpose in writing Ezine Articles is to getthem published in Ezines. And that on its own willbring you a lot of highly targeted traffic. But thebenefits don't stop there. When your Articles are posted on other people'swebsites you get free links (from your Resource Box)back to your website - more traffic. This increasesyour link popularity and so your ranking in the SearchEngines goes up - more traffic. Eventually you'll findyour Articles appearing in Free E-Books - even moretraffic. As you can see, this kind of Multiplier Effect rapidlybuilds up its own momentum - after a certain pointit's virtually unstoppable. Here are 2 ways you could start using the MultiplierEffect: 1) Launch a Free E-Book Start collecting Ezine Articles on a particular topic.The topic could be 'Search Engine Positioning','Website Design', 'Affiliate Programs', 'Ad Writing','Choosing a Web Host', or it could be on 'Parenting','Gardening' etc. When you have about 25 good Articles on your chosentopic, contact the Authors and ask their permission toinclude their Articles in your Free E-Book (with theAuthor's Resource Box). Make sure your free E-Book has plenty of links back toyour website. The secret to making this technique work is to ensurethat your Free E-Book is closely related to the themeof your website. For example, if you market 'SearchEngine Submission' tools from your website, anexcellent topic for your Free E-Book would be 'SearchEngine Positioning'. Here's a tip that will help you find out exactly howmuch traffic you're getting from your Free E-Book. Make a copy of your index page and re-name itsomething else, such as:http://www.yourdomain.com/free-ebook.html In your Free E-Book, instead of linking to your homepage (index.html), link to the duplicate home page(free-ebook.html). This way, you'll be able to checkin your webstats exactly how many visitors are comingto your website from your Free E-Book. Include a short note on the index page of your FreeE-Book telling people that they are welcome to giveaway your E-Book from their website. Then submit your Free E-Book to these directories: http://www.zdnet.comhttp://www.upload.comhttp://www.ebooksnbytes.comhttp://ebooks.searchking.comhttp://www.free-ebooks.net/http://www.reportsearch.com/http://www.ebookdirectory.com/http://www.ldpublishing.com/index1.html 2) Write Ezine Articles Whatever you do on the Web, you must have picked updozens of tips along the way - tips that would be veryuseful to other people who are just starting out. Turn those tips into a series of articles, give themcatchy titles and submit them to these 'articleannouncement lists' (you'll have to subscribe first): mailto:article_announce-subscribe@egroups.commailto:aabusiness-subscribe@egroups.commailto:aageneral-subscribe@egroups.commailto:aainet-subscribe@egroups.commailto:Free-Content-subscribe@egroups.commailto:articles_archives-subscribe@egroups.commailto:PublishInYours-subscribe@egroups.commailto:publisher_network-subscribe@egroups.commailto:ArticlePublish-subscribe@yahoogroups.commailto:subportal-subscribe@egroups.com Then put your articles on autoresponder and submitthem to these 'online article archives': http://www.ezinearticles.com/add_url.htmlhttp://www.ideamarketers.com/http://www.mega-success.com/articles/submit.shtmlhttp://cyberprosper.com/submit.shtmlhttp://www.womans-net.comhttp://www.connectionteam.com/submit.htmlhttp://www.netterweb.com/articles/http://article_depot.50megs.com/http://www.ezadsuccess.com/articles/submit.shtml Think of your Articles and Free E-Books as seeds -scatter them around and then watch them bear fruit andmultiply. ------------------------------------------------------------
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