Internet Marketing Information

Ask Questions? To Help Find The GOLD

Here's another great idea that the gurus areusing to create high profit online products.

It's called an 'ask page' and is designed to let thepotential customers tell you what they want to buy.

For example: If you were going to write an ebookabout growing vegetables, why not put up a page,asking your potential customer what would be theirnumber one question about growing vegetables.

Now What?

Take your top 30 questions and use them as thebases of your product.

Now assuming you don't know diddly aboutgrowing vegetables.What you do is...get someonewho does know about growing vegetables,to write it for you!

Now you might be wondering, why that might be?Easy!

Just go to and get someone to doit for you. This is a website where people reversebid to do the work for you.

This means they bid to the lowest price to seewho will get the job.

How Good Is That?

Then contact your web master to get him tocreate a similar page for you.

The Key here is to think like a business personand leverage your time by getting other people todo the ground work for you. This will give you moretime to work on stuff that brings in the money e.gYour Marketing and Advertising.

Once you master the art of delegation you willopen your mind to the power of leverage and yourInternet Business will truly take off.

Good luck with this idea, please let me knowyour feedback:

Have Fun and Take Care

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Scott Wilson
Opportunity Creator


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