Internet Marketing Information

The Vital Tools To Marketing Success

Special Article Report: Theses Keys Work!

Many times over the past few years I have hadsubscribers and business partners ask me whyand how I am able to not have a day time joband work from home fulltime when they are doingthe same thing and still are caught up in theday to day grind?

Simple Really, The article I write below willhelp you understand how to suck in profitswithout having to spend your life savings todo it. Many top names in marketing and advertisingask me why I dont put all of what you are aboutto learn in a ebook and sell it for a profit?

Mainly because there is enough of that going aroundnow! Many different times you will see a ebook orsoftware that comes out claiming to be the nextBIG secret to success just to find out the onlyone succeeding in making anything from it is theso called GuRu himself. These people are in theirown circle of profit helping each other stay richoff of your dreams.

Now lets talk alittle about you and how you are going to do the very same thing. No you will notmake millions over night or even in a week. Butif done right you can have a very nice chunk ofmoney coming in on a daily bases.

(1)Domain Name & Web Hosting: The First Key to Success!

So many new marketers come online today just to joinsome affiliate program and pay every month to be amember of dreams they are going to get rich. Now theonly problem I see with this is you where not gettingrich by working for someone else on your "Day Job"so what make's you think you are going to get that wayworking for someones affiliate program??

For the same amount of money you spend to be a memberof some crackpot's program you can have your OWN! GoTo: or send a email to mygood friend and business partner Sam Fioretto and tell him Damon Smithsent you. Sam has a wonderful website hosting companythat you can get all the space and bandwidth you needfor your own website for about $10 to $15/month. Alsoit only cost about $8/year for your domain name whichyou want to make something catchy about your businessso that people will know just from your www.yoursite.comwhat your products or service is for before they everclick on your link.

Sam is #1 support person I have ever met in my life,You do not have to go this alone when you have someonelike Sam that will be more then happy to help anytimeyou need it. There are not many online that will spendmore time with you and your business then this guy.

(2)Minsites with ResaleRights:Second Key To Success

Over the years I have collected many new products thatI paid for or received through JoinVentures. I have theResaleRights to each of these so that when I upload themto my own business I can sale them for as much as I like!Below are two examples of minisites and products. Theseare just two that I earn $100s off per day!

1. EBA Bundle Package:7products in one all with ResaleRights!

The EBA mega Bundle package was put together by my goodfriend Michelle over at EBA ebook club. She puts out oneeach month to members all with resalerights and 90% ofthem come with minisites. You can brand these with yourown name & business information so they look like theycome from you! And you can put your own price on them ankeep 100% of all profits you earn!

2.eWhizAd Creator: The Answer to more sales & Open emails!

The eWhizAd Creator has been released only a few shortmonths and already sales from this little jem has provento be very rewarding! As you can see this minisite likethe first has been branded with my own name and website togive my company extra exposure when someone buys them. Itmakes it easy for me to be able to get return sales becauseI offer a guarantee with each product from my site!

(3)Lead Capture & Optin List:The 3th Key To Success:

You have heard it many many times, "The Gold is in the List"This phase is so true that I can not express enough to myown clients and business owners that I work with how important it is to have your own optin list or Lead CaptureSystem in place with your new website. Lead Capture pagesare a automatic system to grab your clients email,first &last names,Ip Address. So you can contact them about offersor send them gift downloads for visiting your site.

Starting your own optin list for your business is also easyto do. Just because you might not have the answer to everyquestion that comes your way dont mean you dont have whatit takes to be a publisher (eZine) or start your own minieCourse with information that you have learned. Informationis still the #1 selling product on the internet. It dontmatter if you get it FREE or not when you learn somethingabout markneting & advertising use that skill to help othersand the reward for this is the client will pay you forsomething else you are offering!

(4)AffiliateProgram: YOUR OWN NOT SOMEONE ELSES!

Having your own affiliate program is also something youcan use as a tool to earn thousands! These scripts thatrun these are very low cost and not hard to set up. Thenyou have other clients and even business owners that willpromote your new affiliate program to their contacts tohelp you and them become a TEAM of marketers that all endup in a win-win program! Just make sure that you dont letsuccess go to your head! Be the same way toward peoplethat help you and you help them. This is how success isreached on the internet. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GO IT ALONE!

(5)JointVentures: The finally key to make it all work!

Doing JointVentures or Jv's with other business ownerswill get you much more out of your business then anythingelse online today. Doing jv's with companys that are inthe same field as yourself will help you build your businessfaster and still be able to get you all the tools youneed without having to spend thousands to do it!

If you dont know what business you would like to startthis is a idea that I share with all of my subscribers.

What is the one thing that all marketers need and useonline? ADVERTISING! You are already buying and submittingadvertising to promote what programs you are in so why notstop buying advertising and start selling it?? There is agreat product called eZyEzine Co-Op Script that you canuse to build your own eZine Co-Op service and get peopleto buy from you! The market for this is wide open becausethere are only a few online like MyWizardAds (Theresa Cahill)and of course the! These companys make thousandsof dollars a month selling ads because of the publishergroups they have as affiliates.

As you know publishers like myself and others use Co-Opsto get subscribers to help build our list. You could bethe person that we are promoting for! Check out eZyEzineCo-Op Script at:

NOTICE: All of the above is information that will helpyou get started on your way to a fulltime income. Justremember that it is up to YOU and not someone else. Keepyour head up and reach for the stars and you will findyourself as ONE!

To Your Continued Success!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Damon Smith is the publisher for HaileysComet Weekly eZine,He has helped hundreds of people start earning online withtheir own business instead of working for someone else. Heis known as the Howard Stern of publishing because of thestright forward way he helps others! You can check out Damon's site at or contacthim at


Seminar focuses on Internet marketing  St. Paul Pioneer Press

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