Internet Marketing Information

How To Create an Offer Your Buyers Will Love

With the creation of the Internet, it has become easier thanever to start a business, especially online.

You can automate all of your business processes, and with aprofessionally done web site, you can have a 24/7 salesmanhandling most of the work for you.

The downside is that business is becoming more and morecompetitive. Especially if you are marketing affiliate programs,you can be competing against thousands of others to sell yourproducts or services.

Before you begin your web site, and before you make a sale, youneed to make a plan. Below are six steps you can take to giveyou the competitive edge in your small business.

1. Choose a customer Now I'm sure you may think I have itbackwards. Maybe you think you should choose your product first.

The problem with choosing your product first is that you may nothave a market to sell to. You want to make sure you have amarket to sell before you choose the products you are going tosell.

You want to do your research.

The easiest way to do this is to visit sites that can give youinformation on demographics. Demographics are pieces ofinformation about different groups you can use to create yourmarket.

There are many sites you can use to gather this type ofinformation, but here are three to help you get started:

Now these sites will give you information primarily on USmarkets, but there are plenty of sites you can use to findinformation on countries outside the US. The secret is to narrowyour search terms. For example: international demographics, orinternet demographics.

2. Choose a product Once you have a market in mind, then youwant to choose a product.

You have several options here: affiliate programs, resellrights, or create your own.

Now I won't get into the pros and cons of each because that'snot what this article is about.

What you want to do here is make sure that you choose a productthat matches perfectly with your market.

You can search for the above terms in a good search engines tofind what you are looking for.

3. Make it an offer your customer can't refuse Once you have amarket and product in mind, it's time to craft your offer.Regardless of what type of product you choose, you'll havecompetition.

The secret here is to create something of value to add to yourproduct. It should always be something no one else has. It couldbe a free report or ebook, or some additional software.

What's important is to make your offer so valuable your visitorwon't want to go somewhere else to buy the product.

4. Create a great sales letter Now maybe you have chosen to sellsomething that already has a sales letter. That means a greatdeal of the work has already been done for you.

However, there are a couple of things you should know firstbefore you use that sales letter.

If it's for an affiliate program, there's nothing you can do tochange it. The way around this is to write a review for theproduct that appeals to your specific market. Then include alink to the sales page for the product.

If you are reselling a product, rewrite the sales letter foryour target market. Make it appeal to the market you are sellingto. Just make sure that it's ok to do rewrites before you go toall that trouble.

If you're marketing your own product, then you'll have to do thesales letter from scratch. Keep your market in mind, make itpersonal, and emphasize the benefits of the product to yourtarget market.

5. Make it easy for your customer to buy This also ties intoyour sales letter.

Be clear with your customer what your product is about. Make theweb page quick loading, and give your web page only one purpose,i.e. to make the sale.

When you create your web site, you want to make it as easy aspossible for your customer to purchase the product.

This means having links to a payment method and making thoselinks easy to find.

You have a lot of options here, but the important thing toremember is that your sales letter should point to where to goto make the purchase.

Accept credit cards and make it easy for your customer to usehis/her card to make the purchase.

6. Automate the process When you create your web site, you'll beamazed at the number of tasks involved in running it.

If you're giving away a free report, use an autoresponder. Youcan also use the autoresponder for automatic follow up. Justmake sure you include at least seven follow up messages.Customers seldom buy the first time, and you'll want to capturecontact information up front.

Use a credit card processing method that doesn't require you toanswer every email.

Check your links and make sure they work. Nothing is morefrustrating for the customer than to buy the product and not beable to access it immediately.

Automate every process you can and make sure it works. That way,you'll only have to handle the email, which, as I have foundout, can keep you pretty busy.

Once you've created your offer, market it. Let everyone knowabout it and keep doing your follow up. Once you capture thatcustomer, you can keep marketing to him/her over and over. Thiswill increase your sales.

Repeat these steps and keep them coming back for more.

Jinger Jarrett is a former newspaper reporter and militaryjournalist who currently spends her time writing, marketing, andconsulting. You can get her free ebook: "7 Traffic Generators forMaximum Traffic and Sales" free here:


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