Internet Marketing Information

How to Get $250,000 Worth of Free Advertising for Your Business

You and I know that whenever you have a business, whether it's On-line or Off-line you would have to take some time and money to market that business right?

What you may not know is that you can still create success without spending too much money. It's not the amount of money that you have to spend on advertising, it's the clever strategies that you have to use to try to get tons of traffic to your business.

Thanks to the Power of the Internet, anything is now possible. Because of Today's Crazy Internet Technology, you can still create a fortune using free advertising. It is so powerful, similar to having an Idea that is worth millions and millions of dollars. All you need to do is to implement the idea and Voila!

Even though many people are saying free advertising is over or it's no longer effective because of what we will be seeing in the year 2005. Many people are assuming that you'll have to start spending money on advertising and promotions now days. Yes we should have been taking advantages of the free services in the past. However, since there is an overwhelming growth of Internet users every week, a clever mind can still create a fortune using free resources by getting Free Publicity and Free Advertising.

For anybody who wants to start using "Free & low-cost Resources" to start promoting their business before they start emptying their bank accounts from expensive advertising, please consider this Article and read it from top to bottom, because it may save you from making the biggest expensive advertising decision that can cost you and make you lose your pants and shirts.

There are many free methods of advertising your business being discovered all the time. In fact free advertising as well as free publicity might become more powerful in the future for those who thoroughly study it and spend more time with it.

If you are on top of the latest Articles on free advertising, aggressively promoting your business and using your sense of knowledge, I don't see why "free marketing", "free advertising" and "free publicity" wouldn't work for you.

You don't necesarily need to be a rocket scientist, you just need to be clever and imaginative. This is the chance for you to use your imagination. This is a chance for anybody who has a great imagination to live the life that they've been always dreaming about. To also create success without the risk of emptying their pockets and losing their underwear, similar to what would normally happen in tradition marketing.

Most of the time it's your money that you will have to use to market your products and services. In most cases unfortunately for most businesses, they'll have no choice but to spend money on marketing and promoting their business.

I will show you right now how it's possible to get at least $250,000 worth of free publicity, if not more. And it will all make sense to you after reading this article. Most people might get skeptical, that's fine. All I want you to do is believe that it can happen and believe that it's actually possible to get $250,000 of Free publicity and Free Advertising.

I will give you some simple resources that you can use to start getting free publicity, then I will hit you with the most powerful resource that you need to be using if you truly want to get $250,000 worth of Free Publicity and much more. Again the point of this Article is to motivate you and inform you that it is actually possible to get $250,000 worth of free publicity and free advertising, if not more.

I will even give you Free Resources on the people who were able to create a fortune as a result of using Free Publicity. However right now we should get started...

Fist of all look in the newspapers and magazines, look under the subject that interest you. See the new innovation that other people are coming up with. New products and services that other people are selling. Every single day you should be saying, "I can be doing this also!"

Now lets get to the fun part... I will tell you the kind of resources that can give you thousands and thousands of dollars worth of Free Publicity and Free Advertising.

*Create a powerful Article for the search engines. Make sure that you pick out at least 3 to 4 major keywords or keyword phrases and use them evenly in your article. Also make sure the key words and key word phrases are the words that most people would search for in a search engines Manually submit your article pages to the major search engines. Make some of your doorway pages articles so that you can increase your search engines ranking.

*When using any submission software to submit your site to 1000s of search engines, FFA, Classified Ads, Message Boards and data bases, always track your hits, that way you can double or triple your performance, by submitting it more than once. It really does work. If you find a winning ad or an ad copy that people are responding to more often and you start to generating tons of traffic and sales... start paying more and more attention to it to see how you can get that same winning messages to millions of people and find a more targeted market in the process.

Furthermore once you're done reading this Article you will find out how you can get at least $200,000 of Free Publicity through just press release alone...

*When you do email marketing. Join a lot of free email clubs and email lists. It can be worth over 35,000 people seeing your business for free. I have provided some opt-in email services and ways to extract targeted leads with the Email Magnet Software in the members only web site.

*Make a list of other businesses, visit their web site, link to their web site, send them a personalized letter asking them to link to your business, and give them a reason why they should link to you. Then maybe offer him or her the "Email Magnet Software" that you can resell at anytime and get 50% Commission.

Not only will this make you extra cash that you can put in your pocket, it will also help the web site owner that you've contacted get a high quality and valuable information. He may later on thank you for referring him to the program. The greatest part about this idea is that every business that you contact can have a large list of lets say 25,000 people that could be interested in your product or service. This can get you tons of exposure, so remember to always contact the businesses with large lists and make sure they are targeted as well.

*Take advantages of Free Opt-in email lists and try to help others on that list. You can do a little bit of free advertising here also. You may need to test several of them until you find the ones that work for you. Just remember that the one that work for you may start making you a lot of money.

*When it comes to Newsgroups & Forums, try to also help others by giving them advice and asking questions. You can do a little bit of free advertising here also, but make sure that you're helping them. One powerful tip that I can give you is that, once you find a winning Article or a winning Press Release that you can use... You can start promoting them for free in the Newgroups & Forums and sometimes words can get around fast and you can start building your popularity in that newsgroup or forum as well as other Newsgroups or Forums.

*Use Free Auto Responders to remind people to keep coming back, "mainly for help and sometimes you can sell them" But keep in mind that your major goal is to get free publicity by helping others. Do not start bombarding them with advertisements to buy your products or services. Like I do with my Newsletter... I use a free sequential auto-responder to deliver all my free contents to help all my subscribers... this way I can continue building my list a lot faster and keeping my current subscribers up to date and happy.

*Ezines (Electronic Magazines or Online Newsletters) are great. They are the first step you should take that will be helping you get at least $20,000 worth of free publicity and free advertising. Because when you get your Article published in 40 Ezines you will get a lot of exposure.

*Doing a Press Release is by far the Most Powerful Venture that you can ever get into. If you truly want $250,000 of Free publicity, You should consider it. One of the reason why this is so powerful is because it's Free and it will help you build credibility. Most of times press releases can be worth a lot more than $250,000. So please take advantage of it as soon as you start getting thousands of free prospect visiting your web site. Don't forget to use the Affiliate Program as a suppliment to your free content to make some additional incomes. Above all build your credibility by offering your visitors tons of free content... You are helping them so they will be helping you in the future.

Many people will take you more seriously, if you had an Article to help them instead of having an Ad to make them spend money.

Many people will see you as an expert ready to help them. The big Secret that lies behind doing an Article in Ezines, Magazines and Newspapers is that you need to try to help people as much as possible, that way you will get large numbers of audiences looking for you and listening to you.

I will give you some powerful resources that you can start using to get Free Publicity and Free Advertising.

You will be able to find them in the member's only web site, where you'll see a list of the Top Automated Press Release companies along with the Full Version of Email Magnet & the Full version of Super Sonic Email Extractor that you can also use to extract Targeted Leads to speed up the Article and Press Release Process...

Doing this alone can be worth 1/2 a million dollars, therefore you should definitely give it a try and get started ASAP.

The reason why most people do not succeed with doing a Press Release is because they are always trying to sell. You need to get into the mentality of helping others and make your info newsworthy instead of always trying to sell to them.

Not only will it help you in your business, it will also motivate you to work harder and harder everyday helping more and more people. If you take the effort to make a difference in thousands of people's lives, realize that you're worth over a billion dollars.

Copyright © 2005 by Koffi Amouzouvi

Koffi Amouzouvi is the "author" of a FREE Newsletter called "Specialized Info Newsletter" to help customers use the Most Powerful Marketing Software in 2005.


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