Internet Marketing Information

My 7-Step Secret Formula For Cashing In On Content!

Copyright 2005 Kurma Group

Content, content, content - everybody's talking about it! Are you lucky enough to have a ton of content - maybe from an ezine you've been publishing for years?

Then realize this: there's a right and a wrong way to put content online. The wrong way creates a large content site that doesn't DO anything except sit there.

But if you do it the right way? You'll have a MASSIVE content site that makes you MONEY. Day in and day out.

I've developed a "secret formula" for clients with a ton of content. It's based on creating a money-making SEO "wrapper" for their content pages. This wrapper includes classic SEO "triggers."

While this formula won't get you on page one for a pile of keywords, it WILL help push you to the top of results pages for highly targeted searches. Here's how you do it:

#1 - Build a simple template-based site that's 100% search engine friendly.

By simple, I mean pared down HTML code. Avoid a lot of nested tables, use minimal graphics, and NO javascript menus or applets. If you have no design sense, today's web designers are more search engine savvy. Just shop around at, and you can get good SEO design for $50-$100.

#2 - Add "SEO reminders" to your template.

Plug some mock-up copy into your layout, then break it up with one big headline (your H1 tag in the HTML), and two or three subheadlines (your H2 and H3 tags in the HTML). Add the word "KEYWORD" in BIG letters to each. Also add similar "SEO reminders" to SEO-critical HTML code, especially the Title and Description.

#3 - Start plugging ALL your old content into your template, 300 words per page.

Why so few words per page? You want a LOT of pages on this site! If the articles are longer than 300 words, simply put a "continued" link at the bottom, and start another page. When you get to 30 pages or so, stop.

#4 - Get a one-day Wordtracker account, and grab a bunch of relevant and related keywords.

Say your articles are on personal finance. Use Wordtracker's "Thesaurus" tools to collect tons of related keywords, like money management, investment, debt management, etc. Grab a boatload of keywords - thousands if possible.

#5 - Go back and fill in your "SEO reminders!"

Scan your keyword lists for relevant search terms to replace those "KEYWORD" reminders in your Headers and HTML tags. Don't stress over it, just use one keyword or keyphrase per page.

#6 - Make a good navigational structure for your site, then apply to Google Adsense or another contextual ad program.

Once you're approved, get those ads on EVERY page you've built so far. If you're allowed to display multiple ad units, put at least two on each page.

#7 - Add just 3 articles to your site each week... plus those money making ads! Repeat... and cash the checks!

To be realistic, this strategy won't make you "number one" for popular terms. That requires "true" SEO, which costs thousands per month!

But by "wrapping" your content in search engine friendly code, adding those search engine "triggers," and MAXIMIZING the content pages... your search engine exposure builds and builds.

The more pages you get online, the more ads people will see. And those ads will be spot-on RELEVANT because of the detailed content on your pages.

Lots of pages = lots of ads.

Lots of content = lots of relevancy.

Lots of relevancy = lots of clicks.

Lots of clicks - lots of money!

Finally, you need EVERY component of the formula to make this strategy work. Pages, content, relevancy, and clicks - that's the secret to making your content pay big time!

This article is written by Anik Singal, founder of Anik Singal has developed his own affiliate system that helped him earn well over $10,466 in just 60 days. Now, he's looking for a few students to train one step at a time. Click the link below to get your FREE course:


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