Internet Marketing Information

Internet Marketing Information

Writing a Website That Sings!

If your online sales have taken a dip lately, your product or service isn't necessarily to blame. Even the best products and services can be hidden in obscurity when covered by a blanket of bad website copy.

Building Consumer Confidence Builds Sales

Many small online business owners have yet to understand the sheer power that comes from building consumer confidence. They struggle with sales month after month, but still, when someone tells them their site design needs help, they get offended.

10 Explosive Ways To Turbo-Boost Your Sales

1. Design your web site to be a targeted resource center.

Never Underestimate the Value of Giving Things Away

"Never underestimate the value of giving things away." I remember as kid hearing these words on a regular basis.

Local Search Makes Your Business a Big Fish in Your Local Community

The Internet Contains Billions of Website Pages - All Clamoring for AttentionWith so many competing websites, it's unlikely that yours could stand out among them. Until recently, you faced near-impossible odds.

12 Steps to Creating a Business Online

"E-commerce"A word pervading our society, making headlines around theworld, and causing the stock market to rise and fall withstartling ease.It seems every business news story centers on sometechnology company's "DOT-com" or "DOT-bomb"!With all the positive and negative hoopla, business ownersof any size company can throw up their hands and feel the"E" world has left them behind.

What is Internet Marketing?

Since I sold my last business in 2004 I have been trying hard to make a living online. Most of my neighbors knew what my last business was as it was very obvious from the garage full of soda, water, snacks and vending machines.

How To Hold On To Your Customers Like Hell And Make Them Pay You Again And Again!

With the years competition online, has become fierce. Studiesshows already that there are more web pages in cyberspace todaythan there are humans on the face of the earth.

10 Things the Work at Home Online Business Owner can Do to Improve their Search Engine Rankings

Search engine theory is great but most Web Masters Say Show me the Results. These 10 easy to follow tips are sure to boost your Page rankings for a Targeted Keyword or Phrase.

How To Get Free Publicity For Your Business

You don't have to spend thousands of dollars on advertising to build an effective campaign. In fact, you can get great publicity that will drive customers to do your door absolutely free of charge!One of the best ways to do this is to attract press coverage.

Take the Direct Route to Internet Gurudom

- Are you tired of chasing down publishers just to get a few of your articles distributed?- Do you wonder where those Article Announce emails you faithfully send out *really* end up?- Is the monthly search for fresh email newsletter content giving you premature gray hairs?Well, friend, I have good news.Now, there's a way to instantly reach scads of appreciative readers who can't wait to put your content on their "categorically-correct" websites!Now, instead of putting in hours of O/T the night before your Ezine release, you can locate five high-quality articles to share with your readership audience in less than fifteen minutes.

Internet Marketing - You Have to Give a Little to Make a Little

Internet marketing by definition is "the use of the Internet to advertise and sell merchandise or services."Most people when trying to sell their product/service go for the cheapest solution possible; why pay $40 for 2,000 targeted visitors when you can pay $2 for 1,000 untargeted visitors (resulting in 20,000 untargeted visitors for $40), why buy a banner on the top of the page when the bottom is half the price, why pay for Adwords when I can try to optimize my web site for search engines for free.

Are You Limiting Your Income?

When first starting out in internet marketing, I was afraid of the big ticket items. I think most people are at the beginning.

8 Excellent Ways to Sell Your Back-end Products More Successfully!

A back-end product is a product that you attempt to sell to your customers after they have recently purchased a related item from your business. Selling back-end products is an extremely effective way of boosting your profits.

How To Create An Automated Income Producer

One of my favorite net marketing tasks is creating a FREEreport or e-course and watching it fill with subscribers onan autoresponder.You might not realize that this is one of the easiest andbest methods of selling your products or affiliate productsbecause you develop a rapport or relationship with your subscribers by giving them quality information.

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Seminar focuses on Internet marketing  St. Paul Pioneer Press

7 Free Digital Marketing Tools For Small Businesses  CO— by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Built for What Matters  The Trade Desk

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