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Is Shopping Online For Your Horse Gifts Safe?

Shopping for horse gifts or other gift items on the internetis quick, convenient and is probably safer than you think.However, you still need to be aware that it is essential tovigorously protect your privacy and financial informationwhen making purchases online.

If you take the necessary precautions to protectyourself when shopping for those special gifts for horselovers, it should be no riskier than buying by mail order orover the phone.

To make your shopping experience a safe and happy one, theFollowing suggestions may be of help:

1. When shopping, always be sure that the Web site is securebefore you provide any financial information, like your bankaccount number or credit card information.

Secured Web sites will use encryption to scramble yourinformation when transmitted over the Internet.

There are a couple of ways for you to identify if a Web siteis secure.

a. A Web site address that is secure is preceded by "https".For example,https// letter s atthe end of http indicates that Web site is secure.

b. Look for a yellow or golden closed lock or an unbrokenkey at the bottom of your browser window.

Web sites may use other symbols to indicate their Website is secure, so if you don't see the two symbolsmentioned above continue to investigate and see if you canlocate other symbols or information indicating their Website is secure.

2. Still uncomfortable with providing your billinginformation over the Internet? Then you might want to askthe business you're shopping if they use alternate methods,such as the telephone.

3. Whenever possible, it is recommended paying by creditcard; this will offer you added protection if a disputeshould arise.

4. If you prefer not paying by credit card, request thatyour purchase be sent C.O.D. You can make your payment bycheck or money order, this is easier to trace than cash. Itis probably a good idea that you never pay in cash forobvious reasons.

5. Some businesses display the Better Business Bureau logoon their Web Site, others do not. If you're not feeling atease, consider checking with the Better Business Bureau fora reliability report. The report will include suchinformation as; the length of time the company has been inbusiness, the company's complaint history and whetherthe business participates in BBB programs, such as disputemediation.

6. If you shop online auctions, be sure you exercise thesame good sense you use for your other transactions. Do yourhomework. Check the "feedback" areas of online auctionsites; most of the time they are a good source for gettinginformation about other buyers' who have purchased from theseller. You can always check with the Better BusinessBureau nearest the seller for any complaints if the selleris a business.

Copyright © Mike Gorzalka All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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About The Author:

Mike and his wife Jean own and operate several gift shops.
Their experience spans some 20 years.

Mike has spent the better part of his life around horses.
His dad, Mike Sr., taught him the importance ofunderstanding
the horse and how to use a firm, but kinder and gentler
approach to helping horses understand what it is we humans
are trying to communicate.


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