Security Information

Dont Allow Hackers to Take Out Money from Your Bank Account

If you know what is the 'Fishing' then it's very easyto understand the definition of 'Phishing'. Justreplace letter 'F' from the word Fishing with 'Ph'.Yes I am not joking. I mean it! Phishing is higher level of spam. Phishing is nothing but fishing in the sea of Internet. The victimized Net users are the fishes hooked by the hackers.

Phishing & Spoof Web sites

The role of hacker is to lure the innocent Netizens bysending an e-mail from spoof sites, pseudo claiming tobe an legitimate enterprise in an attempt to force theuser into surrendering private information such aspassword, credit card number, and social securitynumber etc; which will be used for identity theft.

The hyperlink in the e-mail directs the innocent userto a spoof Web site where they are asked toenter personal information like passwords, socialsecurity, and bank account numbers. Basically hackers create Spoof Web sites to steal the user's personal information.

The Idea Behind Spoof Sites

I can give you the well-known example in which usersreceived Spam e-mails from hackers misleading innocentusers. As if these mails came from eBay, claiming thatthe user's account was about to be suspended unless heclicked on the hyperlink in the e-mail and update thecredit card information hold by the genuine eBay website. The idea behind this scam is very simple as itis relatively simple to make a Web site look like alegitimate site. That is why the Phishing is alsocalled brand spoofing.

Tips To Stop Phishing & Report Phishing

* If you smell anything fishy (phishy) or if youreceived an e-mail that appears to be from your bankrequesting you click a hyperlink in the e-mail andverify your online banking information. Simply deletesuch e-mail and make it thumb rule... never click thathyperlink in the e-mail.

* Contact your bank or financial institution on phoneand confirm whether it has sent you such type ofe-mail.

* Report Phishing to Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

* Send Internet Phishing scam reports to localauthorities like police and crime bureau.

* Send details of a Phishing scam to the Anti-PhishingWorking Group (APWG) to help them to build database ofPhishing scams, and to alert the Netizens.

* Last but not the least if you can't afford toneglect or you are tempted to think that the hyperlinkin the received e-mail is worth to click... take adeep breath, think twice before clicking thatsuspicious hyperlink and copy and paste the URL(hyperlink) into the web browser's address field andlog on. This will help you to land on legitimate Website instead of spoof Web site.

Popular Targets Of Phishers

1) Banks & Financial Institutions.

2) Credit card companies.

3) Auction portals.

4) Online stores.

5) Online stock trading companies.

How To Smell Phishing?

It is very difficult for e-mail recipients to guesswhat they have in their mailbox. They can't guessWhether it is legitimate e-mail from an organizationWith whom they do transactions. Although the "From"Field of the e-mail may have the web site address ofThat organization, and the hyperlink may also appear,If the sender insists on clicking that hyperlink andUnfortunately you click that hyperlink you will landTo a spoof Web site. To avoid this situation you mustHave that sense to smell something fishy (phi shy)Because any legitimate web site never ask you toUpdate your personal information simply by sending aHyperlink through the e-mail, use your commonsense andAsk yourself a simple question, why the legitimate webSite would ask you to update your personal informationthrough a hyperlink via e-mail, since thatorganization has its own legitimate web site? I hopeyou have got the answer.

Krishna Pai is a webmaster and a writer. Get Internet Security tips, Computer Tutorials, reviews, Hardware & Software Tips, How to guides at

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