SEO Information

Search Engine Tips & Techniques

As you are building your site or getting your site built, you need to do as much as you can to ensure higher rankings in the search engines. There are a variety of little tips and techniques you can use to do this.

Meta tags & keywords - Meta tags are included in the section of your site and are read by the searchengines. The two most important kind are "description"and "keywords" Description is a description of the content of your site and keywords is a list of keywordsrelevant to the page.

Research what people are searching for and use thosesearches (relevant to your site) in your meta tags. A great little keyword search tool is available here:

Find more great info on meta tags here:

Site content- Make sure you match your site content withyour meta tags. Also, keep updating your site content. Search engines love new content. Try adding articles to your site or doing a blog. Do NOT let your site get old and stale!

Blogging - A blog is basically a journal that is postedon a web site. A person who blogs is a blogger. Blogsare usually updated daily or every other day. Blogs can be used on personal or business websites. Blogscan draw a lot of targeted traffic to your site. You can create your own blog here:

Site map - A site map is simply a page that lists all the links on your site. This makes it easy for the search engines to spider your site. A site map page isa good navigational tool for your visitors as well. It contains links to all important pages of your website and it gives your visitors an overview of yourweb site structure all in one page. Take a look atthese well designed site maps:

Links page - Having a quality reciprocal links page can benefit your site in several ways. First of all, it gets your site listed in more places on the net which can bring you more traffic. More and more majorsearch engines will rank your pages higher when thereare more links to your site. Also, quality links canhelp the spiders find you more easily each week, therefore keeping you indexed longer and dropped lessfrequently. Take a look here for an example of a link exchange page:

Articles - Not only do you want to post relevant articleson your site, but writing and submitting them to othersites will help you as well. Posting new articles onyour site will keep your content fresh and new so thespiders like your site. It will also keep your visitors coming back for more.

Writing and submitting articles can increase your linkpopularity and bring you more traffic as well as helpingyour search engine ranking. A few places to submit your articles is listed below:

Using these techniques and others will greatly improveyour rankings in the search engines and bring you moretargeted traffic which in turn can increase your salessubstantially! For more info on search engine tactics, visit

Find tons more tips, information and articles at

Terri Seymour and her husband Terry also offer a no-cost, non-MLM home business opportunity. They strive to help you build asuccessful home business. Take advantage of the tips,support, resources, and more for your home & business.


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