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Web Site Advertising: 10 Blockbuster Secrets To Make Your Web Site More Profitable

Do you want to make your website more profitable?

If you answer yes, here are web site advertisingsecrets to help you:

1. Address your targeted audience on your businesssite. Example: "Welcome Internet Marketers". Ifyou have more than one, address them all.

2. Make sure your content and graphics are relevantto your web site's theme. You wouldn't want to usea bird graphic on a business web site.

3. Alert visitors by email when you add new contentto your web site. This will remind people to revisityour web site.

4. Offer a way for visitors to contact you on eachweb page. List your email address, fax number andphone number.

5. Give people the option of viewing your web siteoffline. Offer it by autoresponder or printer friendlyversion.

6. Make sure a least 50% of your content is original.The other option is to offer something else originalother than content, like software or an online utility.

7. Offer your visitors incentives for revisiting yourweb site. You could give them new content, ebooks,software, ezine, etc.

8. Publish a FAQs for your business, product andweb site. They could have questions about multipleparts of your business.

9. Make sure all links on the navigational bar areclickable. If people can't get to where they want togo, they will leave.

10. Organize you web site in logical and profitablesequence. You don't want to give a freebie before theylearn about the product(s) you're selling.

May you succeed in your web site advertising and make a lot of money.


I-key Benney, CEO

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