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Website Marketing 101

When it comes to website marketing and promotions, youneed to start here...

Every website, whether new, old, or just a thought needs to consider the marketing that will be put that website in frontof it's targeted audience. Sounds easy huh? It just takestime, perseverance, and the will to succeed! A budget willhelp too!

The hardest part is sorting through all the crap that'savailable to (supposedly) help you. Yes, I said crap.

There is a mountain of businesses out there making incredibleclaims about FREE traffic generation, FREE hits, Mega sales,$20,000 in 3 hours,- or worse, for a small fee of $29.95 wecan... blah, blah, blah.

Save your money! I have spent enough for all of us.

Following through with our suggestions offers you the mostlucrative, ethical, and professional ways to achievesubstantial results and still sleep at night. No, you don'thave to go for your wallet, I will tell you about theseprograms in this article (for no charge). A good educationwill assist you the most.

If you already have a website, we recommend a Website Analysis to point out any major areas for improvement.

Before You Build

1. Have a plan - Not just a good idea. Take your idea andformulate a complete plan around your goals. Highlight anyUSP's you may have.

2. Build Meta-tags into every category page! This is crucialto targeted traffic success with the Directories and SearchEngines. You need to be found, not by your company name (only)but by "keywords" that the general public would use to findyour type of business or service. DO NOT just pick any words,this is critical!

3. Use those keyword phrases throughout your site or particularpage (use not abuse). Reinforce what topic you are addressing within that page(content).

4. Publish an article or newsletter that shows you are anauthority on the topics you cover (or try to sell). Just aspiffy sales letter is not enough. This is also critical inacquiring the email addresses of prospective customers.

5. Create some banner ads with impact for future partnershipadvertising. You will use these on your site as well as bannerpartners you can swap impressions with.

6. Begin considering what types of businesses or partners wouldor could compliment your offerings. Start a list.

7. Important: Create a budget for marketing your website.Yes, there are many things that you can implement for free,however, successful websites HAVE spent money wisely to getthem to where they are. Don't be fooled, you WILL spendmoney on marketing your website - it could be potentiallymore than what your website costs you to build. The versegoes like this... "Build it and they won't come". You mayhave already learned this, and that is why you're here. There is much, much more, and we would be happy to help you, but this is a good start.

Good luck with your online business!

Written by and Copyright © Scott Sedwick

Scott is the Founder and Sr. Internet Marketing Specialist for Hyperformance Media, Inc. a website marketing firm located just outside of Chicago, IL. since 1996. Specifically, he has over 24 years of sales and marketing experience and accomplishment in the computer industry.

Written by and Copyright © Scott Sedwick


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