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Viral Marketing Techniques Every Web Site Should Be Using

Viral marketing can work wonders for any business,web site or product. It can be a great sourceof sales leads, one-way links and targeted traffic. Yet, many marketers are not taking full advantage of this 'viral factor' in their marketing efforts.

How about you? Are you using any viral marketing methods with your web site? Or does the word 'viral'make you cringe?

Many people believe 'viral marketing' is a myth, one of those Internet follies that only happens on rare occasions when some fantastic product orsite comes along.

In reality, viral marketing techniques can be usedby any web site -- big or small. They can be used byany marketer who takes the time to put some simple steps into place. Viral marketing 'done right' can havemany benefits. It will:

* increase your link popularity (often one way links)

* increase targeted traffic to your site

* build your brand recognition

* create targeted leads for your products

* automate your marketing efforts

Here are some simple viral marketing techniquesyou can try with your web site, product or business:

1. Word of Mouth We have all seen this phenomenon displayed with many products . People spread the word about some great movie or gadget and suddenly everyone knows about it. Human nature dictates we tell our friends about some great product we have bought or found. Nature of the beast, it's just the way we are; so why not take full advantage of it?

If you have a web site -- put up a simple 'tell a friend' formso your visitors can easily tell others about your great site.Easy and very simple to do but many webmasters don't do it. Similarly, if you have a newsletter, service, product or with any aspect of your site... just include a few sentences at theend of your copy, asking very politely, "if you found thisservice, product or web site helpful -- why not tell your friends,family and colleagues about it."

2. Branding Make sure you have a logo on your site or product.Branding your site is very important if you want your site or productto be noticed and talked about. For that matter, a catchy brand namecan be a 'viral technique' in itself; so try and come up with onethat springs from the lips with a distinctive ring to it!

People recognize brands, it gives them a clear image of yoursite or product. Include your brand or logo on every page of yoursite and on every product, service, material coming from yoursite or business.

3. eBooks Savvy marketers jumped on this new invention very quickly, they knew the 'viral' power of these little ebooks. Ebooks are electronic files that can be downloaded from any web site and distributed easily around the web. You can also have other webmasters or marketers, 're-brand' these ebooks with their own links. High quality ebooks get passed along very quickly and are great viral tools.

Anyone can write a simple ebook on the topic of their site. If you can't write, just get permission to use a collection of articles from the numerous 'article directories' on the web such as or . Ebook compiling software (in both .exe or pdf format) is relativelycheap or can be found for free on the net. Just Google to find it!

4. Viral Software Some simple software products or applications can be very viral, often passed around or downloaded from the web by thousands each day. These have to be useful or handy products that the users will desire: ecalendars, organizers, personal planners, link checking software, and so on. Many are desktop products that sit on the computer user's desktop; prime location in the marketing arena.

And the best examples of this kind of viral software have the company logo, sales message and contact email -- with LIVE LINKS to all of the above -- conveniently displayed within the product. These simple software programs can be great viral promotional devices that spread like wildfire across the web. (get an example of this below in the author's resource box)

5. RSS Newest player in the viral game! RSS which stands for 'Really Simple Syndication' and just by the nature of what it does; RSS is an awesome viral tool. Originally used by news organizations to syndicate their news stories, it is usually associated with Blogs because blogs use an RSS feed to distribute their content. Good quality RSS feeds are picked up and displayed by different web sites all across the web.

Since Microsoft has announced the next version of Windows will have RSS integrated into its operating system, new RSS applications will take viral marketing to heights that have not been witnessed before.Alert marketers are already gearing up for this viral explosion.

You should also be gearing up for RSS if you haven't already. Using a simple site like (owned by Google) will give you a basicblog and RSS feed to spread your message or product to all interestedparties.

These are just some viral techniques that will help increase yourweb presence. They will also boost your traffic and increase your links.Used properly, these viral techniques will also spread your web site, product or service around the globe.

What more can you ask for?

Get a Free DATEwise eCalendar & Personal Planner for your Desktop. It's
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Copyright © 2005 Titus Hoskins of Free Marketing Tools

This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.


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