Software Information

Linux - Keyboard Or Mouse

Just stress testing one of the latest Linux distributions. Been testing it for about two months. You know, Linux has advanced some distance since 1992-1993. It looks great! Because Linux is customizable, I decided to change a few of the resident commands. These were not wholesale changes and everything worked out o.k. So I started thinking again. You know, that can lead to solutions you can't get out of. In this instance, everything worked like a trusty timepiece.

Why customize it? It's much easier to navigate all of the menus within KDE or Gnome. Set-up most commands with my personal, seven set-ups. With seven set-ups, my self scribed moniker for the upgrade; most applications are accessible with no more than seven key combinations. Open a file? Ctrl-Alt-A. If you want to search inside a sub file, just click, Ctrl-Alt-A, Ctrl-Alt-B. This might look a little complicated. After you learn the several key combinations, it's a snap. Forget the mouse, unless you're designing high dollar graphics. Maybe something like this could give KDE, Gnome desktops that something extra.

Another something. If you're developing the next generation platform, why not develop the programs/applications on older machines? This goes against conventional thought, but it works. Anything that runs at decent speeds on older machines, fast streams on newer chipsets. Be sure to keep that a secret! Now, who stole my keys?

Patrick Sadler has over 12 years of past Internet experience. He is sole proprietor of Knowledgeworks, Inc. Knowledgeworks manufactures and produces Developers Linux CDs, specializing on the latest stable versions of the Linux Networking Operating Systems. You are able to reach him at the factory website:


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