Traffic Building Information

Ten Tips for Generating Traffic To Your Website

I know what you're thinking, oh great another article about generating traffic to my website. Well it is important for your website to have traffic. It makes absolutely no sense to have the most informative website in the world that no one knows about. This article lists ten low cost ways to generate traffic to your website. Enjoy.

1. Trade links with sites that have high ranking and content similar to yours.

While visitors are important, targeted visitors are really important. If your site is about dogs, it would be silly to trade links with a site that is for people who hate dogs. That would be counterproductive and just does not make sense. No, in order for your link trade to work, it should be with a site that covers the same topic that your website covers.

2. Publish a blog.

I really do not have time to go into all of the benefits of a blog in this article. Just understand that search engines love them and that other bloggers link to other bloggers frequently.

3. Publish your own newsletter.

Now I know what you're thinking, publish a newsletter? That sounds like a lot of work. Well yes it is, but if you write your newsletter about something you're interested in, it won't really seem like work at all. Can't write your way out of a paper bag? Don't worry about that, there are lots of places online where you can get free content on a regular basis. Just go to your favorite search engine and type in article directory and you will be amazed at the number of results that come up.

4. Offer some free content relevant to your subject matter.

People love freebies. Make sure that your content is of good quality and related to your subject material. It would also be nice if you required the visitor to leave an email address before receiving the freebie, that way you can build your list that much quicker.

5. Swap ads with other ezine publishers.

Find ezines that match your topic and offer to swap ads with the publisher. Many publishers will agree to this type of arrangement for a short period of time, especially if it is something of value to their subscribers.

6. Participate in online forums

7. Publish your url on everything you distribute (books, business cards, brochures, etc.)

8. Study everything you can about generating traffic.

This is extremely important since the Internet changes minute by minute. Subscribe to ezines, read ebooks, read the forums. All of these sources will help you stay current on the latest Internet trends.

9. Ask successful Internet marketers as many questions as you can think of.

Many Internet marketers want to help you to succeed, especially if you are one of their affiliates. If they help you succeed, they succeed. Remember, the only dumb question is the unasked question.

10. When you see a good idea, use it.

This should almost go without saying, but if you see a great idea, that you can easily implement while doing your research then by all means use it. That is why you are doing all of this research in the first place, right?

DeAnna Spencer is the editor of Prospecting and Presents. She helps her subscribers get free traffic to their websites with one free ad per week. Subscribe today by visiting


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