Traffic Building Information

The Best Traffic Secret I Ever Learned

If you could get high quality traffic that would grow on a daily basis free of charge starting tomorrow would you do it?

If you answered yes?

I'm going to show you exactly how to do that right here free of charge.

Let me be completely honest with you, after reading this, I guarantee you will never again have to pay any money to get high quality traffic to your website. And no, what I am about to tell you has nothing to do with emailing safe lists, wasting your time with traffic exchange programs, or any other cheap tricks.

What I am about to explain to you in the most simple straightforward manner possible is by far the most powerful way to get the best long term high quality traffic on earth. I want you to be able to fully understand the elegance of the system that I am about to describe to you so let me first give you a little background.

When I first started to market affiliate programs online I went the pay per click route. I didn't really know what I was doing, but magically it seemed to work. Now? I can't say that I made much money through pay per click advertising, but I did get some traffic that actually bought through my affiliate links! The problem with this method was it ended up costing me just as much as I made.

Next I tried to generate traffic the free route by taking part in traffic exchanges and mailing to safe lists. I'm not going to even go into detail about these methods because it didn't take me long to figure out that these methods just don't work.

Next, I started advertising in eZines. This traffic method actually does work and can work very well, but on the flip side it can also cost quite a bit of money and does put that money at quite a bit of risk. What I mean by is there were times when I was mailing to eZines that cost quite a bit of money and I didn't even make a single sale and then there were other times when I was advertising in eZines that I spent very little on and I made some pretty good coin. It's extremely hit or miss most of the time with eZines plus the traffic you generate is only transient. If your traffic doesn't buy on that first pass your out of luck. That's why I say eZine advertising is a high risk web site traffic generation method.

Next, I decided I would try to start my own eZine. It sounded like a great idea, but it really is quite a bit of work can cost quite a bit of money in the early phase. Having your own list is a powerful sales tool and I do think that it is something that everyone who is serious about their internet marketing efforts should have, but I truly don't think it is the best way to generate long term hands free traffic.


Because you have to email your list every time you want them to visit a site. It's not hands free.

So, let me get to the point?

What's the best way to generate long term high quality traffic for free?

Hint: I'm doing it write now.

That's right - Writing Articles!

Writing good quality articles about subjects that people want to read about is by far the best high quality traffic generation tool available anywhere. The great thing is this is something that will NEVER change.


? People want high quality free information. After all, that's primarily why people search the internet anyways.

? Websites need good quality content to for there sites and eZines.

By filling in that gap you're fulfilling a need that is mutually beneficial to all parties involved. The reader gets great information to read. The website or eZine owner gets quality content. You get to stamp yourself as an authority in the field and you get to add a link in the resource box at the end of your article (free high quality traffic).

Gaining website traffic through writing article works through the principle of reciprocity. You first give something of value and then you get something of value in return. You give your quality content to other webmasters and then they give you traffic.

What makes this tool so powerful is its viral nature. Not only do you get free traffic through your resource box at the end of your article, but you also get to establish high quality one way links back to your website. The search engines LOVE this!

Let me say that a different way, when you post your articles to the larger directories you will get a free high PR one way (non-reciprocal) link back to your site. Further, you have an almost infinite number of chances for other webmasters looking for quality content to post your articles to there web site.

I didn't know how powerful this method truly was until about 3 weeks after I began posting my articles to the larger directories. I started to see my website traffic grow and I couldn't really place why. At that point, I had only placed my articles in three of the top directories, but when I did a Google search for some of the titles of my articles I found them on dozens of website.

"Wow" I thought.

I got dozens of free in pointing links within a period of only a few weeks and I really didn't have to do anything to get them. It was only when I saw this with my own eyes that I finally realized how powerful article writing could be as a traffic generation tool.

Give it a try. It's the best hands free traffic secret that I have ever learned. Write a few articles and then post them to a few directories. You'll be surprised with your results. Best of all it's all free!

One last tip!

After writing your articles you need a few great places to post them to, so here are my favorites;, , and

That should get you off to a pretty good start. Happy Writing!


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