Traffic Building Information

How To Generate Traffic Using Public Domain Works

A websites profitability depends solely on directing visitors to that website. No visitors? No sales?

Its common knowledge that search engines love content related to the theme of your website. Enough related content and you'll thrust to the top of the search engines like a rocket propelled into outer space.

Writing enough articles on the other hand, is a whole different story. For most of us it's actually hard work.

It's not that we don't have enough knowledge about the topic, rather we don't quite know how to say it on paper.

But did you know you could use public domain information to create your own articles based on the theme of your website?

All you have to do is go to a few public domain sources and search for related content. Then strip the meat from these publications and form your very own copywritable articles in minutes.

Add your resource box at the bottom of every article you create and you can quickly use the power of written articles to leverage traffic to your website.

Go to (this will take you to the advanced search screen)

Type in your keyword and see if there are any public domain related works.

For example, I did a quick search for the keyword "psychology" and returned a page of interesting works like "The Journal of Abnormal Psychology" and this happens to be a 10 volume set.

If my website was about Psychology or anything related to that topic I would open the document and search for information that could be developed into an article.

In a 10 volume set I could easily develop 10 - 20 content based articles, give it some of my own personality and there you go... fresh new articles ready to go.

To create even more articles, dominate a particular interest group and be at the top of the search engine listings for your keyword(s) all you need are more resources to find public domain information faster.

Mike Hill is the creator of the Public Domain Sources Directory, dubbed: "The Most Profitable Book In The World" because of all the hard-to-find secret sources he lists inside this incredibly detailed directory. For more...


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