Traffic Building Information

Zero Cost Quality Traffic For Your Home Business

Do you know that you can promote your home business absolutely free of cost? Moreover you can generate quality traffic of the potential prospects who will come to your site because they are interested in what you sell.

Yes! It can be done absolutely free. And it is fun too.

# Write and publish articles -

This is the best traffic generation method. Write articles centered on the theme of your home business niche and submit them to the article directories. There are thousands of article website that are eager to publish your articles. When you write make it sure that you write an article well. Your article when published will be an unending source of quality traffic.

Your resource box in the end of article will serve as the link to your website. Make your article interesting enough so that the reader reads till the end and is intrigued enough to click the link in the end.

Writing a good article is not that difficult. Think about an idea and expand it. Write as much you can while taking care of the typos and grammatical error. After you finish it close it down and relax. Review it next day for editing. You will be surprised to find the changes you can make to improve your articles.

Search for article directories in Google or Yahoo. Compile your own list and submit to them one by one. Most of article submissions are free. It may take a while when you do itg for the first time as you need to create account with the site before you can submit. After you are through with account creation the whole thing will become an easy process.

A good article is judged by its content. It should be informative enough and of value for the publisher and the reader. Article body as such should not have links nor should it appear to be blatant sales letter. And of course no typos or grammatical error.

# Blog them and receive them-

Open an account with This easy setup doesn't take more than 15 minutes. Publish this on your site. Now you own a blog. You are free to write whatever you want. But again the content will draw most readers.

You can put your links in your blog unlike restrictions in your articles. Write anything. About your experience, your problems or what you did today. Anything.

Share your thoughts with the world. More frequently you write more is the traffic. If people like your blog they will visit again. Write at least daily for maximum gain

# Free e-book -

Write a report on what you know or about your business. Make an e-book out of that report. PDF books are easy to create and they can be created free at without any purchase or liability of purchase. Post that e-book on your and your partners' site.

Mention that people if interested can post it on there site for free. When customer loads it he will visit to your site by the contained link. When your e-book is distributed enough it will bring in substantial traffic

# Acquire links -

There are millions of websites. Just imagine if you have your links posted on 1000 sites out of them. Considering 1/10 click through rate you will receive at least 100 visitors per day considering one visitor per site. Do the math and think!

More links you have more are the chances of getting visitors.

Getting link is very easy now with free dedicated services being available like You just need to open an account and there you go for a link ride.One word of caution though. Exchange links with sites similar to your own business. And avoid link farms.

If you are persistent with above methods you will see a consistent jump in the traffic over 4 - 6 months traffic and a better ranking in the search engines

Good luck. It is time for some work now...

Copyright 2005 Arun Pal Singh

Arun Pal Singh, a successful marketer and writer offers a unique and duplicable business opportunity at To avail his free Income Course, send an e-mail to with subject 'subscribe'.

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