Traffic Building Information

Quick, Easy & FREE Ways to Kickstart Your Website Traffic in 4 Simple Steps

Just launched your website? Now what?

You are finally ready with your excellentproduct, killer salescopy, eye-catchinggraphics and tiny robots working for youtirelessly.

Now you have to get those hungry 'visitors'and 'leads' waiting to grab your product.

I will introduce you to 4 amazingly simple,proven and 'effective' ways to drive surgesof 'red-hot' lazer targeted traffic to yoursite instantly.

You can apply all these steps right NOWfor FREE and watch your traffic counterexplode.

Here YOU Go...


STEP 1 -> Search Engines


Optimizing your site for search engines andcreating killer content can get you tons oftraffic to your site absolutely Free.

Include your keywords in your title, metatags, headers, top and bottom portion ofyour website content.

Focus on your keyword density and make sureyou optimize 1 page with 1 or 2 keywords max.

Increase content of your site by addingarticles and make sure you keep yourcontent fresh and 'ever changing'.

Apply this system with 1000s of pages onyour site using the power of RSS and Blogsand you will see free traffic crawling allover your site.


STEP 2 -> Newsletters


This is one of the most effective ways toget instant repeat traffic to your site.

Write down a weekly newsletter or ezineand publish them to your list regularly.

You can write articles, weekly tips andtricks with quality content and blast itto your list.

Make sure you do this consistently. Thiswill improve your credibility and relationshipwith your subscribers and you will get repeattraffic to your site.


STEP 3 -> Discussion Forums


Discussion forums will get you instant trafficto your site right NOW.

Visit discussion forums in your niche everyday and share your knowledge by answeringquestions out there.

Include your resource box with your websitelink right below your post which will get youtraffic.

This will improve your credibility andpeople will visit your site with an'open-mindset' which will improve yourwebsite conversion.

Make sure you don't spam the board withblatant advertisement. This will damage yourname, reputation and credibility and get yoursite banned from the board.


STEP 4 -> Article Writing


This is one of the best ways to get trafficto your site. Write killer articles in yourniche and blast them to...

1. Article Directories.
2. Ezine Publishers.
3. Your subscriber and customer list.
4. Your blog.
5. Announcement lists.
6. Your website.

Once you have done this you will see yourarticles spread like a 'non-stop' VIRUS.

You will get traffic from...

1. Search engines.
2. Websites that post your articles.
3. Your own newsletter.
4. Newsletters of ezine publishers.
5. Incoming links to your site.
6. Your blog.

Each article builds upon the others tocreate perpetual free advertising virallyand permanently.


These 4 steps when applied consistently willget you 'Non-Stop' free traffic, leads andsales no matter what product you are selling.

You will see instant as well as continuousincrease in your traffic, all for FREE.

So make sure you pull up your sleeves and getstarted TODAY.

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