Traffic Building Information

Wacky Test Marketing: Part 3

Once again I used my wacky test marketing strategy to announce a new project and once again it worked - but on this occasion I had another motive about which I will tell you more in a moment.

Downloads and confirmed sales are lower than last time around but this does not dismay me because I am addressing a looser, less well defined niche.

What did please me though was confirmation that my reasoning for engaging in a second wacky test marketing run was justified.

You see both of these projects have an inherent element of website optimization about them; a strategy I have been working on for some considerable time; a strategy I have put to the test in small ways but never tried out before in full measure.

I wasn't so much concerned with consumer reaction to the second project as I was with the reaction of the search engine spiders to the optimization of my website.

Here is how matters have panned out so far with regard to major SE positioning.

More importantly both sets of results were obtained within hours of submitting the URLs.


Yahoo! No.2 out of 4,500,000 competitive pages
AltaVista No.2 out of 4,460,000 competitive pages
All The Web No.2 out of 4,040,000 competitive pages
MSN No.1 out of 0,786,970 competitive pages

As apposed to?


Yahoo! No.1 out of 8,570,000 competitive pages
AltaVista No.1 out of 6,493,000 competitive pages
All The Web No.1 out of 7,040,000 competitive pages
MSN No.1 out of 0,804,114 competitive pages

Clearly Google is not impressed with my website optimization strategy and also you might reasonably remark that it appears to be going backwards on the other SEs listed - but hey, I would settle for any ranking between 1 and 10 anytime, and let Google go?

Will I try for a hat trick with my wacky marketing?

I might - but I would be more interested to learn if anyone else is prepared to give it a go.

If so, here is what to do:

1. Set up a temporary website for a product you have yet to develop
2. Concentrate on the sales pitch
3. Rack up new end consumer benefits that emerge as you write
4. Put your mind into freefall on product development
5. Include a form instead of a price link on your page
6. Ask viewers what they think of your embryo innovation
7. Give them price options
8. Give them something free for participating in your survey
9. Ask them to join your newsletter
10. Send them a thank-you email for helping you out

If you do decide on some wacky marketing, please let me know the results.

You can contact me via the website in the resource box.

Jim Green is an online enthusiast and bestselling author with an ever-growing string of traditionally published niche non-fiction hard copy titles to his credit. View his second test marketing experiment at this website:

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