VOIP Information

Voip - Voice Over IP and Business: Is It For You?

VoIP allows users to make phone calls using their high-speedInternet connection. This translates into free, or very lowcost long-distance calling. Because VoIP uses the power ofthe Internet, traditional phone companies are leftcompletely out of the loop. Of course, now that the idea ofVoIP is catching on more and more, traditional phonecompanies are developing and offering their own VoIP optionsso as not to be left out. From the consumer's point of view,this competition is keeping options open and pricing low.For businesses, this is particularly good news, since manyVoIP providers will want the business of business--this is ahuge market, which providers are aware, of, so the savvybusinessperson will take advantage of this, conduct thoroughresearch, and seek out the best possible option to meet thecompany's needs.

What are the Pros to Using VoIP?

Cost is a number one factor. If your business does a highvolume of long distance calling, this can be an extremelyaffordable way to go. Another positive is that the future oflong distance calling is VoIP. As time passes, more and moreoptions will be available and the market will become evenmore competitive. It is also easy to use, although abusiness set-up will be more complicated than a home set-up.

What are the Cons?

One disadvantage that many users report is that there tendsto be an "echo" when using VoIP. How much of a disadvantagethis is may depend on the user. There can also be a slightlag at the beginning of the conversation.

Another potential disadvantage is that the technology isfairly new. As VoIP becomes standard, improvements will takeplace. In the meantime, it is up to each business todetermine if this is a way to go.

Also, because VoIP operates through your Internetconnection, should you lose Internet service for whateverreason or power, you will not have phone access until theservice or power is restored.

Is VoIP Right for my Business?

As with any business decision, you should examine your needsand available services before making a purchasing decision.VoIP may produce substantial savings, but it could alsoproduce substantial headaches. Whether or not your companycan navigate potential glitches with minimal interruption issomething you need to determine. Many traditional serviceproviders offer competitive pricing, and the security of theexisting structure may not be worth the potential problemswith VoIP. It is also necessary to price and compare thetechnical requirements; will your existing structure supportVoIP, or will the investment in technology offset thepotential savings?

VoIP Business Options

On the bright side, because VoIP is a growing service, manycompanies provide business solutions and the offers andpricing are competitive. One thing to consider as youcompare options is contract terms. Because the technology isexpanding, it is wise to avoid any long- term contract, as abetter option may come along in the meantime. A variety ofcompanies offer business solutions. The following list isjust a few:

? Sprint:

? Lingo:

? Quest:

? Pipex: http://www.pipex.net/products/voip/

How to Get Set Up for VoIP The technology required willdepend on the service you choose. There are three types ofVoIP methods.

? ATA stands for analog telephone adaptor. It connectsto your computer or Internet connection and uses regularphone.

? IP phones are special phones that look liketraditional phones, but they connect with an Ethernetconnector.

? Computer-to-computer is an easy way to use VoIP andlong distance calls are free; you only pay for the software.While this method can work in a business setting, it may notbe the best solution, even though it is very cost effective.

VoIP requires a high-speed Internet connection, and forbusiness purposes, your set-up needs to be able to handlethe additional use that VoIP incurs. Essentially, there isno "one size fits all" set-up guide for business VoIPoptions. The service you choose and your company'sindividual requirements will determine what you will need.

Andrew Kelly is a Technology Consultant who helps keep businesses at the leading edge of technology.

For more great tips and resources on everything VoIP visit:VoIP Solutions For Your Business


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