VOIP Information

How VoIP Will Affect Every Household and Business in the World

Seattle venture capitalist, Greg Gottesman, calls it "?one of the most important changes in communications in the past 100 years."

The Boeing Company announced plans to move its 150,000 employees to an internet-based phone system, and several Seattle area residents are using internet telephones to get cheap rates or, in some cases, free international phone calls.

Using VoIP, homes and businesses can save up to 80% on current phone bills, while enjoying a quality of sound that is superior to traditional lines. The only equipment needed is a computer with sound, and a microphone or headset, which can be purchased at a local store for between $5 to $45. Upgrades to existing equipment is virtually eliminated, as VoIP can be used on dial-up (contrary to numerous published claims), broadband, wireless, or satellite connections.

When shopping for a VoIP solutions provider

? Look for secure lines and patented technology.

? Look for free PC to PC calls.

? Check for hidden costs.

? Avoid providers with unsecure lines and/or peer-to-peer programs as public listing of names and numbers, shared servers, or open platforms, as may leave you vulnerable to not only spyware, but viruses, worms, Trojan horses, unscrupulous hackers, not to mention violation of privacy.

Dee Scrip and her close friend Andy Murray operate the website http://www.whypay4calls.com. Where you can experience a 7 day free trial with a secure line on patented technology. NO contracts, obligations, or hassles!


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