Web Design Information

Web Design Information

Images: How To Make Them To Load Fast On Your Web Pages?

1. Use .

Ten Tips For Your Web Site Home Page

1. Loading time:try to be below 20kbless number of imagesspecify height and width of imagesHtml with out errosWYSIWYG editors load up your html code.

Tapping Into The Visual Stimulus Of Your Web Site Visitors

"Oh, my eyes, my eyes! What an eye sore. Quick, click away! Click away!"Suddenly I wake up in a cold sweat.

Text Is King!

Are you building your website? If so, STOP! Take a look at what you have done so far. How many images do you have? How much text do you have?If your website has more images than text then you could be in trouble.

Explode Your Homepage And Replace It With Something Dynamite!

You know that I'm always extolling the virtues of an all-round website marketing approach that doesn't just focus on search engines? Well, you'll be suprised to hear there's a big problem with this.The big problem with this is that it assumes your website is ready to start receiving lots of visitors in the first place! Before you start marketing your site you need to know.

Simplify Your Web Site for Clarity and Ease of Use

There are plenty of web sites out there in which basic elements of design are ignored. The viewer may experience overkill and frustration, instead of gently receiving the message or information.

Are You A Bill Clinton Webmaster?

One of the most frequent questions I get asked about my ebook, Don't Get Banned BY The Search Engines, is whether I amended it to include post-Florida Google. "Florida" is the code name that search engine optimizer wizards gave to a November, 2003, shakeup at Google that left many webmasters covering themselves up with makeshift fig leaves while dangling upside down above the proverbial crocodile moat.

Why Should You Care About Your Web Site Colors?

**How Colors are Used in web design:**Demarcates screen elements into groups- You can pu a blue background for your navagational bar and white for rest of your page. This tells the visitor that the blue area has different elements and grabs his attention.

10 Things All Webmasters Should Know

Geared Up with a website and lots of energy to make a mark online? Spare some time and go through this. You'll be glad you did.

What to Avoid to Make Your Website Design Effective

The effective design is this one, which is maximum simplified, conformable to your users because they are your main purpose. This one, simply and clearly announcing what is your website about.

Top 10 Web Design Mistakes

As a webmaster, you want to keep your visitors content so they'll come back again. Below you will find ten common mistakes made by webmasters that may deter people from returning.

Design vs Content: Who is KING?

Well it is not Elvis, that's for sure.I am a firm advocate of good design but most of the time people tend to interpret design as amazing graphics and astounding visuals they tend to forget that design is the culmination of every aspect of good and effective presentation into one.

Web Site Professionalism? What Is It?

Your web site should be-visitor friendly to navigatesearch engine friendly for the crawlersAutomated with ecommerce and subscription forms..

6 Tips To Improve Your Business Website

There are six important characteristics that can play a major role on the impact your website has on prospects. Outlined below is the importance of each characteristic and tips on how to maximize your potential.

Is Your Website's Copy Up to the Mark?

The Internet is a relatively new medium. What works for you in your printed offline brochures and advertising materials may or may not work on your web page.

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