Web Development Information

You Dont Know Which One

I still remember it very clear ... It was almost a decade ago that I wrote it in my notebook as an interesting quotation from a famous man at that time and even now and ever. Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet president, shared this so-called joke with some reporters: "Mitterand has 100 lovers. One has AIDS, but he doesn't know which one. Bush has 100 bodyguards. One is a terrorist, but he doesn't know which one. Gorbachev has 100 economic advisers. One is smart, but he doesn't know which one!"

After all these years, After I found it and read it again, noticed how interesting it can be when we expand and continue it with the notion of web and marketting via web sites and/or e-mails. Yes, according to your log files, you have 100 visitors for your web site. One is a buyer, but you don't know which one! You just have to wait and see ... In your site, you have 100 web pages with 100 images. One page is missing one single image and you don't know which one. You miss 100 visitors only because of this little mistake and WOW! On the Internet, you receive 100 "I Love You" e-mail messages a day, one has a killing virus, but you don't know which one! You have 100 links in your directory. One is expired and/or out-of-date, but you don't know which one and this may reduce the number of your hits and your visitors. You have a mailing list with 100 subscribers. One is now reading your editorial and you don't know which one, because you don't receive any feedback. This may make you sad or disappointed! But who cares! You have 100 web sites. One will be a successful one and will make a rich man out of you, but you don't know which one.

I have 100 dreams a day for the success of my newsletter in Webfaqt.com. One is so great but I don't know which one. Isn't it interesting, I mean the Internet and Webfaqt? This is why, you are kindly invited to share it with others, to continue this article with your own sentences. In my newsletter, we have enough room for your thoughts and views. Anyway, I also have to thank Mr. Gorbachev for the joke...

Use the best on-line and off-line tools to re-check your incoming and outgoing web pages and e-mails to reduce the number of errors you may encounter while you are designing web sites, creating web pages, sending and receiving e-mails. Subscribe accredited guide newsletters warning you of outbreaks of new viruses and even hoax messages. Educate yourself and your friends with the latest tips, tools and trends of the Internet.

About The Author

Taban Khadjeh Nassiri provides professional localization solutions for your web site, products and services in Farsi and for Iran, the land of history, culture and design, and the Iranian markets. he provides professional web page design, Internet marketing advice, technical writing, English-Persian translation, copy writing for businesses, companies and organizations. Visit his site at http://www.webfaqt.com/ - providing you with links to some accredited web sites and on-line resources of vital Web FAQs, Tips, Tricks, Tools, Trades, and Trends of the Internet. Reach Taban with your questions or comments about his articles at editorial@webfaqt.com - or call him at (+98 -21-) 8057102


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