Web Development Information

Why You Really Need Your Own Web Page In-order To Make Online Business!

How many Web Sites did you stumble over telling you that you don't actually need your own? Now, this is true to a certain extend but not if you are heading for the real scoop.

What we all aim for is to go from point A to B in the shortest time. A stands for where we are now and B stands for where we want to be in the future.

Why would you take the bike when you could take the car?

Or why would you take the car if you could catch an airplane?

Alright that was maybe a little too much but you understand where I'm getting at?!

Not having your own Web Site will do but not if you want to have fully control of you business. Since you 'always' keep a copy of you Site on your hard drive or on CD there is hardly no risk of loosing the information. There is no need of starting all over again if you have your own Site and your Web hosting company suddenly goes bankrupt or anything similar to that. If you don't have your own Web Site then your are in the hands of the service that provided you with the site.

-You can't change service when ever you want

-You can't improve your site whenever you like

-You can't simply manage you subscription list's since you can't collect the subscribers!

-You can't put you own links on your site

If we summarize this then I think the conclusion is really clear. Your best of with your own Web Site

Best Regards

Oliver Troll
The Croftbiz Team

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