Web Development Information

Set Up Your Website in Minutes - For Free

There was a time not long ago when setting up a website meant endless technical jargons, hiring a web designer, writing the html or jawa codes, selecting the right hosting platform and deciding on the band width.

Now setting up a website is like 1..2..3.. and you are online. You don't need to a technical geek anymore. Let me teach you how to do it. And right now.

You can be online in minutes. Without spending a dime.

O.K. Let us start.

The first thing you need to decide is the subject of your website. Decide on a specialized area or a narrow theme. Do not make it a very general website. A niche site has better chance of being found by people with specific keyword search. You can start a site to share your specialized knowledge or special products or just give free information in the area of your specialization to establish yourself as an authority.

Once you have decided on the subject of your site give it a name targeted to convey your subject. If you are a training consultant, your website should be named training.com. You can make it more focused. If you specialize in communication training you can name your site commmunicationtraining or commiunication-training.

Having decided on the most important aspect of deciding on a name, now we can proceed to the next step. That of actually setting up the site.

Open a new browser window on your desktop. Enter www.blogspot.com . You may also click on www.blogspot.com and a new browser window will open up.

Click on the arrow'Create Your Blog Now' and a new page will open for account sign up. Enter the name chosen for as described above in the column user name and chosen names along with other particulars such as your desired passwords as required in the sign up form. Finally check the terms of service box. Click on the Continue arrow.

Fill in the blog title and the web URL in the columns. Once the chosen name is available and accepted you will be directed to the template page. Here you have a choice of a dozen templates. You can always change the look of your web if you don't like the looks or you may want to give a new look to your site anytime.

Now your web site is created and online. You can start posting. It is easy. All you need do is type out or cut paste the matter you want to post to your site and click publish.

The blogger program is very user friendly with help available if you get stuck anywhere. Use it and over a period of a week you will be an expert webmaster.

Are you online yet?

Srinivasan is a Management professional, Writer and Author. You can view his home-business resources blog at http://www.home-businessresources.blogspot.com for online marketing tips, resources, opportunities and online promotional strategies.


Web Design and Development  Muskegon Community College

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