Web Development Information

How to Get Your Website In Front of Thousands of Customers At No Cost To You!

Dan Kennedy once said that if you can't make money without money? then? you won't make money with money either.

Those words swirled in my brain over and over. Then, one fine day, I decided to test them out. Here's what I did:

I was running my own promotions and noticed that the Internet was beginning to unfurl. A little voice in the back of my head told me I had better jump into cyberspace.

But I did not have a website to promote my services. So the question was, "How do I get copywriting clients without spending money?"

So, I wrote an email and sent it to about 20 Internet "big hitters". That email earned me over $45,000 in about one year.

The reason it cost nothing is because I sent it from the library.

And so, I proved Dan Kennedy's words true, that you could, in fact, make money without spending money.

However, I don't recommend you do what I did. Because sending unsolicited email is not a good idea. Of course, I did have one advantage. I was contacting people who were interested in copywriting so they were not going to report me to the "Internet SS".

One of the "big hitters" I contacted - who I owe a great debt of gratitude - is "Mr. Fire" himself, Joe Vitale.

A few days ago, he referred me to Chris Ellington of www.ArticleMarketer.com.

After reading his website I can tell you this: Article marketing, done right, is one of the best no cost tools to promote a website you will ever discover.

Notice that I said? If You Do It Right!

What does that mean?

Well, you really have to know how to write articles so that they are both informative and get people to your website.

Which means understanding the two-fold purpose of writing articles:

1. To present yourself as an expert on your topic? and?

2. Get people to read your "resource box" and click the website link.

And you need to find the best way to get your articles distributed. There are basically two ways. Either you sign up for access to ezines that accept articles? or? you "hire" an article distribution service.

If you go the first route you are going to manually send articles out. This is both tedious and unnecessary.

Because www.ArticleMarketer.com has a free article distribution service option. They also offer two paid options for greater exposure. Which are dirt cheap.

Go to www.ArticleMarketer.com and read over the website. Take a look at the options they provide. I can almost guarantee that no matter what you sell this strategy will work for you too.

John Anghelache is a copywriter and marketingstrategist who develops high-ticket informationproducts. His FREE book "How To Turn Your Expertise And Ideas Into A Business That Can Make You Rich" is available at? http://www.TurnIdeasIntoProfits.com


Web Design and Development  Muskegon Community College

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