Web Development Information

Web Development Information

Your Content for Nothing and Your Clicks for Free

The first thing my business consultant (read brother-in-law) asked me, when I told him that I wanted to build a website and put AdSense on it was, "Do you want to build a site to help people or to make money?" After thinking about it for a while I couldn't imagine why I shouldn't do both. Why not a website that helps people and generates money for me? My consultant looked at me like I had taken one too many falls off my bike, which he knew I road primarily to save on the cost of gas, but he proceeded forward.

Why Local Service Companies Should Have a Website

The Internet is being used by local service business to improve sales today. Sales are improved because a website gives a company more credibility and in some cases generates leads.

Duplication vs. Individualism

How can we add Word Rich Content to our Websites without overtly duplicating others website content, and as an end product maintain our own Individualism?In theory Article Libraries are the answer to the above question. But, is it true that if you continually add like information to your site, you no longer maintain an individual posture?Not every article that is submitted to your site will fit the needs of your particular agenda.

Having a Portfolio on the Internet Can Help you Infiltate the Workforce

If you're an up and coming graphic/web designer just out of university, you'll know it's quite hard to break into the workforce. You have to contact employers one by one, spend your time traveling and lugging your portfolio to their offices.

Why Your Brick-and-Mortar Biz Needs A Website

The internet has taken over our lives with a vengeance, and has changed the way many of us do business. More and more consumers are now doing their shopping online and, unfortunately, some business owners have felt the pinch.

What YOU Should Know Before Getting A Web Site!

Everyday thousands of new businesses make the leap and take their business on line, what about yours? If you haven't already, I'll bet you have thought about it and wondered how much more business you could be doing if you just went on line?and right about then, you wonder what it would take to get your business on line?Here are some things to consider:1. What do I expect my web site to do? The question you must ask yourself first and foremost is, "What do I want my website to do?".

The Top Ten Benefits of Having a Web Site

Do you need a web site? Are you considering getting one but are unsure? Here we take a look at the main reasons why a web site could be beneficial to your organisation.1) It will give you the competitive edgeIf you do not have a web site people cannot visit it - an obvious point you might say.

4 Steps to Selling More With Your Web Site

Most web sites are more like stage sets than real buildings; they make a good impression and they look substantial at first, but when you open a door, you end up back stage in the dark. They don't generate large numbers of leads, help build relationships with prospects or generate the desired volume of sales.

A Beginners Guide to Server Side Includes

An Introduction to Server Side IncludesBeginner? That's OK!While much has been written about Server Side Includes (SSIs -also known as Virtual Includes) much of this information is designed for intermediate to advanced webmasters. This article is aimed at beginners.

Three Things Every Website Should Do

When I started my company in 2002, I knew I needed to have a website. Why? To provide credibility! How can a company be "real" in this day and age if it doesn't have a website? So, like many companies, I published an informational website that explained "here's who we are, and here's what we do".

Content Management - The New Standard in Web Design

The evolution of web development parallels the model of technology spending by companies today. The style and method has transformed along with the business spending trend.

Maintaining Your Business Website

QUESTION: Should I build and maintain my business Web site myself or pay someone else to do the work for me? -- Wesley L.ANSWER:When you say, pay someone else to do the work for you, Wesley, I am going to assume that you are talking about hiring a professional Web site designer to do the work and not your next-door neighbor's teenage son.

The Secret Benefit Of Accessibility: Part 1 - Increased Usability

Web accessibility has so many benefits that I really do wonder why such a large number of websites have such diabolically bad accessibility. One of the main benefits is increased usability, which according to usability guru, Jakob Nielson, can increase the sales/conversion rate of a website by 100% and traffic by 150%.

The Secret Benefit Of Accessibility: Part 2 - A Higher Search Engine Ranking

An additional benefit of website accessibility is an improved performance in search engines. The more accessible it is to search engines, the more accurately they can predict what the site's about, and the higher your site will appear in the rankings.

Why a CSS Website Layout Will Make You Money

Although CSS layouts have been around for years, they haven't become so commonplace until recently. This was basically due to limited browser support (especially from Netscape 4) - nowadays though, CSS 2.

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