Web Development Information

Web Development Information

The 2 Most Common Web Site Mistakes

When we review the sites of potential clients, there are 2 mistakes we see over and over. If you are having problems with your site, make sure these 2 problems aren't killing you.

Develop a Solid Website Presence

Starting an internet business can be confusing to non-veterans. The internet is the new world of business and research.

9 Simple Steps to Create a Background Tiled Image Branded with Your Name

You have seen those web pages where they have the name of the Name Web repeated over over over in square tiles as the background. Now by following these 9 Simple steps you too can create a web page Branded with your Name, or Company Name.

How to Handle Web Surfers Who Disabled JavaScript

There are hundreds of millions of Web surfers today. Each of them uses one of multiple web browsers available now.

Do This One Thing to Create a Powerful Product-Selling Web Site

Spend time planning your Web site. Before you design a page or write a word, get a visual, and mental picture of your preferred audience.

Five Question-Five Minute Web Makeover Quiz

If you haven't made the sales and built your clients to an income you want, then you may need a Web Site makeover.What I mean by that is, most people contact a web master to put up their site.

12 Tips To Great Websites

Why do some sites succeed while the vast majority of others fail? More and more website owners are asking themselves these questions. The answers are often more obvious than you may think.

7 Tips to Make Your Order Page Work Harder

So your prospect, Mary, is sitting at the computer reading your compelling sales letter. She's convinced she needs your product.

How Worldly is Your World Wide Web?

The growth in Internet usage around the world is astounding - 146% in the five years prior to March 2005. And it's not just European and North American users on the Net.

Stop Losing Precious Web Site Traffic to the Dreaded World Wide Web Black Hole

You work hard to build traffic to your web page. If you are not doing 1 simple step you are loosing a portion of all your web site traffic to the dreaded World Wide Web Black Hole.

Ebooks for Webmasters

Internet has opened a whole new world for web developers and web designers who are looking to get their websites developed that are finally launched on the huge world of World Wide Web. Keeping that factor webmasters are the people who have to face a lot of problems mainly due to the entrance of new software, programming languages and viruses that are a real threat for the webmasters.

Set Up Your Website in Minutes - For Free

There was a time not long ago when setting up a website meant endless technical jargons, hiring a web designer, writing the html or jawa codes, selecting the right hosting platform and deciding on the band width.Now setting up a website is like 1.

A Website Is Not Enough

Your ObjectiveYour small business needs an appealing and professional website but that is just the beginning. If no one visits your website and -- more importantly -- if it does not bring in new customers and allows you to sell more to your current customers, then your site is not effective.

Make Your Own Website - General Website Design Tips

Wow, we`ve already taken a domain and chosen a web host. Great job ! Now it`s time for something special: making your own website.

Preventing Repeat Form Submission Using PHP Sessions

We've all seen those messages on some websites warning not to click a button more than once or negative consequences, like paying a bill twice, may result. Sometimes we can cause these problems by hitting the back or refresh buttons.

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