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Web Hosting and Development
If you've ever browsed the World Wide Web and wondered how you could stake your claim on the Internet, like the millions of others that have done so already, then web hosting can provide you with the services to do just that. The Internet is a great way of sharing information and it is possible for you to take a portion of the web and make it your own. This article introduces the term "web hosting" and provides some useful tips for web development once you've obtained some web space. What is the World Wide Web?The "World Wide Web" is the network of computers from all over the world that communicate with each other using the HTTP protocol, a language that allows the transmission of web documents. Be careful as this term is not synonymous with the "Internet" because it is defined as a network of networks, where the computers communicate with protocols other than HTTP. The web is what you see on your Internet browser, the web pages complete with graphics, sound and other information. All this has got to come from somewhere, and this is where web hosting comes in. Web HostingThe information that you see from your web browser is contained in web pages. These web pages are kept on computers called web servers. Web hosting is about the storage of the web pages so that people can access them. It is possible to host your own websites yourself but the reasons stopping most people doing this is that there are issues to consider with having the right hardware and software to successfully host your web pages. Your web pages will take a certain amount of space, users will need to download each page to view them and your Internet connection needs to be fast to offer good performance to your viewers. Using specialised companies that offer web hosting capabilities on their web servers will take most of these worries away from you but you will need to choose wisely and weigh up the costs and your needs. In addition to having access to a web server, you will also need to register a domain name (for a cost) that uniquely identifies your website. What Web Hosting Can Do For YouThe most basic service that web hosting offers is that it exposes your web pages for others to see. The other services are: email capabilities that allow for email to be received and sent from your server; database capabilities that allow for large amounts of information to be updated and accessed on the web; and dynamic content which allows for users to interact with the web pages you've made. Website DevelopmentPoorly designed websites will most likely turn away users and harm the credibility of the information it contains. Thought should be put in on the way it looks and the way you intend your users to interact with the content. It is also recommended for more complex websites, a structured development process should be followed. Here is a guide to the logical steps of web development:· Requirements Analysis: What is the purpose of the website? What content should it contain?· Design: How should the pages be linked? What structure should they take? How should the pages interact with the user?· Implementation: This step is the actual coding of the websites in accordance to the previous websites.· Testing: Does the website do what it should?· Maintenance: Is the information on the website up-to-date? Some useful hints for web development below are taken from software quality aspects but they apply to the development of websites as well. They are described in terms of web development: Reliability: Is the website reliable? Do faults allow for the system to continue running?Robustness: How does the website respond to incorrect input?Performance: How fast does the web page respond to user's actions? Is it efficient in processing requests and inputs?Usability: Is the website easy to navigate and understand?Maintainability: Is the website easy to change? Can new functionality be added?Portability: What software requirements does the website require? Will this limit the amount of potential users?Understandability: How well do you understand the website you've developed? When designing your website, keep these quality aspects in mind as they will help you develop pages worth visiting. How to choose the way to host your website is half of the problem, the other half is to create a website that people would want to visit and come back to. Knowledge of producing a good design can help you get the most out of your creations. William LyM6.Nethttp://www.m6.net
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How to Transfer Your Web Site to a New Web Hosting Service? There are various reasons why an online business owner like you has decided to switch to a new web hosting providers. Your old web hosting provider probably has very poor technical support, or their web server is always down, or may be your old web hosting provider cannot meet your hosting requirements anymore or you could have discovered a cheaper web hosting service?and etc. What to Look for in a Web Host The first questions you have to ask yourself are: how much space and bandwidth do I need; do I want one site or several sites; how much will I have to spend; am I going to use an SQL database; how much uptime does the web host offer; does this site host spammy adult sites; what extras are offered; are there script limitations; do they provide a control panel; and if my site gets too big, what is the next level and how much does it cost?BandwidthLet's take bandwidth for instance. 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Best Website Hosting is One Thats Reliable If you are looking for a solid, reliable web host, it's important to look online for recommendations of reliable web hosting companies. There are a few big names in web hosting that you can feel comfortable trusting your hosting to. What is a Web Host Reseller Account? A web host reseller account is a web hosting account that allows you to create hosting packages to sell to your clients. You can also host multiple sites of your own using the disk space allotted to the one hosting account. Free Or Not Free -- Its Your Choice The internet is one of the world's top sources of information, products and just about anything else you could possibly want. And, if you have spent any amount of time online, you must have noticed that much of it is free. First Web Hosting Experience Well? you've purchased a domain name? created a pretty design? filled it with content? what now?HOSTING.I suppose that you know what a web hosting is, and we don't need to repeat in once again. Dont Get Fooled by the Web Hosting Wolves in Sheeps Clothing! Are you looking for web hosting? If you want to set up a personal website, or a modest commercial one, you are probably in the market for an inexpensive shared hosting plan. Those entry-level plans may cost $5-10 per month, and often boast very generous features for that modest prize. Cheap Web Hosting is No Bargain Ever heard the saying "Penny-wise and Dollar-foolish"?Well bargain priced website hosting may just represent theperfect example of watching a jar full of pennies whilebucket loads of dollars fly out the window!When I launched my first website way back in the "dark ages"of 1997 I paid almost $150 a month in hosting and datatransfer charges.My web host watched how many files I uploaded like a hawkand always seemed to send their hefty invoices earlier witheach passing month. Where to Get Cheap Web Hosting First, to see if you can use cheap web hosting you need to know how much disk space you will need. How large is your website? How many pages, video files, music files, etc. How To Choose A Web Host That Meets Your Needs One of the most difficult choices you have to make when starting an online business is to choose the web host that meets your needs and budget. Throw in the search term "web hosting" into major search engines and you will see what I mean. 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Are Free Webhosting Accounts Really Free? - 5 Critical Things to Consider Before Choosing a Free Web Many free web hosting accounts are free to use, however they will cost you a lot of money, time, and customers as well if you have a site that is meant for business purposes and is more than the simplest site imaginable. Consider the following items as to why free web hosting might cost you more than you had bargained for when you signed up. Windows vs Linux : Hosting The Basics of Linux & Windows :Linux (and its close relation Unix) and Windows 2000 (and its close cousin Windows NT) are types of software (known as operating systems) that web servers use to do the kind of things that web servers do. You do not need to know any real detail of either to make a decision as to which you need but here a few guidelines. Hosting Options for an Ecommerce Web Site Deciding how to host your ecommerce Web site and what approach to take can be daunting. There are several approaches available, each with different advantages and disadvantages. ![]() |
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