Customer Service Information

What Do They Want Anyway?

You want customers. I want customers. We all want customers. And traffic alone is not enough. We need "interested" customers. Customers ready to listen, ready to buy. So you may find yourself asking, what do they want anyway?.... and how can I get them to buy?

Instead of concentrating on the "getting", why not try to "educate" them and sales will follow --- not once, but many times. Why is that? Credibility!

If you are writing Articles, or publishing an Ezine, then you are an Internet Marketer with some measure of success. Your goal might be to help them understand that there are ways to make money without spending a fortune, and without plunging over cliffs with the "herd mentality" of the latest get-rich-quick idea: the biggest single reason for failure on the Internet.

I have never filled a matrix with "spillover", and only once did I ever get my money back - and that was like Vegas - a tease to keep me in the game. But if you made $10,000 in three months, send me the proof and I'll join under you.

You have had successes, BUT you have also had failures. Share these with your potential customers. Show them the speed bumps that you encountered, and how to slow down and re-examine the road ahead, or steer around them altogether. Teach them the need for a healthy dose of skepticism with ploys that try to get them to "buy now!"

For example, digital eBooks that claim "?limited supply" --- how funny! Digital products are downloaded ad infinitum. But it must still work or we would not find ads still using that ploy. Now, dry your eyes - I have fallen for lines just as bad.

Most people on the Internet fall into the habit of reselling products and services that they, themselves, have never used and maybe never will. So please, use the products or services you advertise. Your personal satisfaction will show in your promotions. Your buyers will be happy and you will build credibility.

My good friend, Graham Hamer told me a story once, about a trip he made to visit a distant relative. He had the address, phone number, and a map of the general area (though not a street map). When he entered the town, either the map was old, or the roads had been updated, because he was soon hopelessly lost. Eventually he stopped at a gas station to ask directions.

When this was no help, he continued in circles and stopped again by the side of the road near a guy who was cutting his grass. This fellow's directions seemed simple enough, but a while later he was still lost and now losing his patience.

Then he phoned his relative. You guessed it --- he was at her house in minutes; never really being more than a mile off to begin with.

The moral of his tale is this? If you want to know how to get somewhere, ask someone who's already there.

Š Esther Smith 2004

About The Author

Esther Smith is editor of Partners-For-Profit Newsletter and copywriter for The Permanent Venture. Each publication of PFP addresses an important aspect of your struggles to perfect your Internet business. A 5-Star Resource page has been designed on The Permanent Venture that lists award winning programs and software. There are no flavor-of-the-month selections - all are proven money-makers.


311 Customer Service Center  City and County of San Francisco

Help  Department of Taxation and Finance

Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP)  New York State Department of Health

Contact Us About Your Bill

Customer Service Center

Customer Service & Support  Hillsborough County (.gov)

3 Ways To Quickly Make $50  GOBankingRates

Welcome to Riverside Public Utilities  City of Riverside (.gov)

Celebrate Customer Service Week  City of Riverside (.gov)

Lifeline Support for Affordable Communications  Federal Communications Commission

Department of Transportation  Governor Tom Wolf

Launch of New Districtwide Customer Service Platform  The School District of Philadelphia

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