E-Book Information |
Electronic Publishing Explained
An eBook is basically a document in the form of web pages that are put together, using special software, which is released in the form of a file that can be downloaded onto your computer's hard drive. Many people may think it is no different than a web site, but there are important differences. You may happen upon a site that is offering a free eBook download you are interested in. When you actually download the eBook you are downloading an ".exe" file, which is the most common format. Some eBooks are also offered in PDF format as well. When you double click on this file it then opens the main page, which is in HTML, web page format. There may be many pages included in the eBook but you cannot access them unless you open the eBook itself. When you download the ".exe" file that is all you see until you activate it by clicking on it. From the main page the author gives you access to what they want you to have access to. One important feature of an eBook is that you can choose to not allow printing or copying. This may be very important to you if you have material that you want to protect. You may have written a book on "How To make A Waterfall Mirror" and give the reader snippets of the book in your eBook, but you don't want them to be able to print or copy any of the material. Not that the material is completely safe, after all there are people out there that are going to copy or steal your work if they get a chance, no matter what steps you take, but it gives the reader the idea that the information is valuable to you. On a web site, to get the some of the same protection, you would have to include directory or page protection on your site and have the visitor register for a password, which many will not. Then even if they do register, they may loose their password or not come back at all. If you don't know much about CGI scripts or how to set password protection through your server's control panel then this becomes difficult, unless you can afford to hire someone to do it for you. Even with that once the visitor is into your site, using a password, they can still copy as much of the material they want. With the eBook, once you set the "No Copying" and "No Printing" option, the reader would have to actually copy the material by typing it out him or herself. This offers more protection for your material. One of the challenges of a web site is keeping the visitor on it as long as possible so that they find something that they are actually interested in. Even if you have material that the visitor is genuinely interested in, many things can happen that may cause you to loose that visitor forever. The power may go out while they are on your site, they forget to bookmark your site, they may get distracted and shut the computer off, etc. With the eBook, once downloaded, the information is on the reader's computer until they decide to delete it. I've come across eBooks and files that I have downloaded months before and forgotten about but have stumbled across on my hard drive while searching for something else. You can even set the eBook to include an icon on the reader's desktop to remind them to read your eBook. If the reader sees your icon each time their desktop loads you may get a few more visits, maybe even a sale or two. You can include links back to your site, or any other site in the eBook to direct the reader to more information or to a sales page. Keeping with the same idea above you may want to have a page on other woodworking or fountain books for example that goes to Amazon.com or to other sites. You may have affiliate programs that you are associated with that you can earn commissions from any sales resulting from people clicking through from your eBook. You can have your readers personalize it themselves. People get excited when they see their name on something. Most eBook software allows you to setup the eBook so that people can actually put their own personal information in the eBook, and give it away themselves on their web site. This is called "Regrinding". If you see a free eBook download and it states that you can "Rebrand" it, that is what it means, you can personalize it. You can even run your own affiliate program and have others personalize the eBook and have the opportunity to earn some money. That's a great incentive for people to advertise your products or services. We will have more information on how you can develop your own eBook, distribute it, run your own affiliate program and have others selling your products and services in later articles. In conclusion eBooks maybe seen by some as just glorified web sites but in fact with the option of protecting your material, the ability to allow others to personalize it, and the chance that viewers will add it to their desktop and view it at a later date, eBooks give you much more flexibility in your online business marketing efforts. Read more articles by this author, about this and other subjects, here. About The Author Bob Power has been an Internet entrepreneur for longer than he would like to remember. He is currently on a voyage of learning, thanks to his readers, who have asked him to answer questions about topics they want more information on. You can see some of the surprising, and at times exciting results, and variety of topics and paths this has taken him on, or to contact Bob Power please click here. These articles may be reproduced exactly as shown above. No revisions or changes are permitted.
MORE RESOURCES: Why I’m making 2025 my year of dead-tree books Fast Company The Mid-Hudson Library System’s most-requested ebooks for the week ending Jan. 5, 2025 The Daily Freeman How to get thousands of e-books free on Kindle? Deals and discounts for Stuff Your Kindle Day 2025 Soap Central NoVA Libraries Reveal Top Books of 2024 Northern Virginia Magazine Librarians aim for better e-book accessibility Marketplace 'The e-book problem' hits Seattle Public Library KUOW News and Information Proview - Legal & Tax eBooks Thomson Reuters Bills aim to give Rhode Island public libraries a break from high cost of e-books Rhode Island Current Free eBooks Catholic Culture Stock up on hundreds of free dark romance, dark fantasy, and horror ebooks on Stuff Your Kindle Day Mashable Digital books and audiobooks are popular with patrons. How much do they cost the Library? News-Leader eBooks Walsworth Yearbooks The best alternatives to Amazon for e-books and audiobooks The Washington Post How to send web articles to your Kindle to read later Popular Science Ebooks, Movies & Music City of West Palm Beach Libraries struggle to afford the demand for e-books and seek new state laws in fight with publishers The Associated Press ‘The Power Broker’ Is Finally Getting a Digital Edition. What Took So Long? - The New York Times CT librarians push bill that would expand e-book, audiobook access The Connecticut Mirror The best ebook reader to buy right now The Verge Faculty Select: Find Open and Affordable Library E-books for Adoption in Your Courses Montclaire News The 3 Best E-Readers of 2025 | Reviews by Wirecutter Wirecutter, A New York Times Company Online purchases: printed books preferred to ebooks European Commission ​How to get free e-books for your Kindle Good Housekeeping uk The best Kindles in 2025: our top picks Tom's Guide Why I Switched to Everand For Audiobooks and Ebooks Make Tech Easier 8 Places to Download Great Books for Free on Kindle Reader's Digest OPINION: E-books outweigh paper books The Western Front Amazon Delists Bookwire E-books Amid Dispute Publishers Weekly Opinion: CT library users want more e-books. Libraries can't meet the demand The Connecticut Mirror eBooks - Pakistan Statista eBooks BioProcess Insider It’s official: nobody likes reading e-books. Literary Hub Three-in-ten Americans now read e-books Pew Research Center The AI-generated Books Trend is Getting Worse AI Business Where to find free e-books for your Amazon Kindle Android Authority Using E-Books to Get Young Readers Talking Harvard Graduate School of Education Behind E-Books, Libraries Find Restrictions and High Costs Government Technology Opinion: E-books vs. hard copy books Lee Clarion Online The Surprisingly Big Business of Library E-books The New Yorker Worcestershire’s Most Borrowed Books of 2024 Worcestershire County Council Librarians and lawmakers push for greater access to e-books Maryland Matters |
Invasion of the Amazons The last few months have witnessed a bloodbath in tech stocks coupled with a frantic re-definition of the web and of every player in it (as far as content is concerned).This effort is three pronged:Some companies are gambling on content distribution and the possession of the attendant digital infrastructure. The Problem With E-Books One of the most popular online ventures is selling e-books. People are hungry for information; that's why they're on the Web in the first place. eBook Solutions Free Information Products inundate the web these days. eBook performance denotes miraculous sales and marketing procedures abound. 7 Secrets to Explode your eBook Sales! Part 5 Secret #5: How to build steady sales for years tocome with eBook Directories!Aho,Are you making this mistake in your business?Are you to busy to submit to more than a handful of eBookdirectories? Or worse yet, are you to busy to submit to even one!Stop! By all means take a minute to read this short and to the point article. It will help you to build steady sales for years to come. Make Your Own E-book! If you have a newsletter or knowledge you wish to share withothers, you might think about making your own ebook.First of all, for those who might not know, an ebook iselectronic publication that people can download as one file andlater read, just like a book on their own computer. Top Ten eBook Mistakes and How to Correct Them Did you know that you already have an eBook inside you?And, like your coach, you can earn thousands of dollars each month?Even if you are a non-techie like me, you can write your ebook at the same time you write your print book. Or, solve your readers' problems using other articles and reports already in your files. Ebooks are Promotional Powerhouses Ebooks are fairly easy to produce, and their production cost is inexpensive. Just think aboutit: you don't need a publisher, an agent, a printingpress, offset film, ink, paper, or even a distributor. Neighborhood Mobile Watch Program Setting up a Neighborhood Mobile Watch Program in your community can deter crime, raise property values and help your community feel safe and secure. Part of the success of a Neighborhood Watch Program is proper public relations. You Really Can Make A Fortune Off Of EBooks and Software Resale Rights When I first considered online selling, I had trouble thinking of a product to sell. I did not have a storefront or any particular talents to offer. How To Create Your Own Info Product In the last article we talked about why informational products are the best type of products to sell online. An informational product can be a digital book (known as an e-book), a digital report or a white paper, a piece of software, audio or video files, a web site, an ezine (electronic magazine), or a newsletter. How to Reduce Credit Card Refunds from Digital Thieves Can you encounter the number of times where a Credit Card Sale was generated, only to receive a "Refund Notification" from your contracted e-commerce processor on behalf the "customer"? Welcome to the electronic world of "cyber-shoplifting". Unscrupulous surfers, disguised as potential "customers", systematically opt to ordering goods (using credit cards) in electronic form of delivery, only to request a refund minutes or days later after receiving the product. How eBooks Can Be Used As An Online Business Times are hard today! Though the economic data would indicate otherwise, we are now facing a world economic problem of such massive problems that could result in a large economic downturn. In many countries we have massive property bubble that is just waiting to burst and the recent large increases in the price of crude oil are certainly not going to help inflation and if sustained will lead to interest rises that will have a devastating effect on the world economy. Sell 100,000 eBooks By Letting It Be Read For Free? Did you know that if just one person goes into a library and asks for your eBook and if it is listed in the librarians' catalogs, then the library will buy a copy of your eBook in order to lend out.And did you know that it only takes just one library purchase for your eBook to be given a Machine Readable Catalog record (MARC), which then makes your eBook even more noticeable and accessible to all other libraries. More Than An Ebook The following in an excerpt from the E-Book of the same name.Utilising the Full Resources of the Internet to Promote your FictionFiction writers appear to be the despised members of the internet writing community. How to Use eBook for Marketing and Promotion There are innumerable ways to use ebooks to promote your business and drive quality traffic to your website. Once posted on your site, you can turn them into a daily course, which brings your customer back to read the next chapter. Why The Future Will Always Be Digital Products Everywhere you go on the Internet, you will find some type of "digitalproduct" on any website. What are "digital products?" Digital productsare any products that you buy and then download to your computeror print to paper. EBOOKS Are Books Too! Electronic books - that is books you read on the computer- have the same information and entail the same reading experience as books in the traditional form - that is books you actually hold in your hands. An ebook looks just like a Microsoft document but it is transformed into an ebook format such as PDF where the reader cannot make any changes to the document. Book Publishing for Entrepreneurs There was a time when it was relatively easy to get a book published. You took a great idea to an agent, the agent sold the idea to a publisher, and soon you could call yourself an author. Top Ten Tips To Get Started Writing Your Book - Part 2 You are far more likely to successfully write and publish your book if you follow these tips before you [start writing] write a single chapter. Part one of this article is available at www. Writing an eBook is Risk-taking Behaviour - Choose to do it! The choice to author a book isn't one that just suddenly comes to you. It's something that gradually happens. |
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