E-Book Information

The REAL Info Products Secret and How to Get Out of the Cycle

Most "info-products" revolve around Internet marketing, and get rich quick schemes. Everyone is looking for that instant "secret" that will guarantee them overnight success without spending the start up capital of a real brick and mortar business.

Selling those seekers a package of "secrets" that cost between $5 and $5000 that probably have a few real nuggets of really effective techniques and are 95% filler is a great way to spend your time and money. IF you are the one selling the secrets. It really doesn't matter if you give away your truly secret marketing tips, because 99% of the people that order your product will never read it, or act on it.

I'm not trying to sell you an info product here, it's just a fact that most people don't do anything... although they want too. They just don't have the time, or motivation to put the effort into learn how to be a webmaster.

The real info product secret for those that have no technical skills or writing ability is:

1.) Pick a topic
2.) Pay someone to develop it

Have you ever wondered how some "guru's" churn out info-products, and endorsements faster than light? It's because many of them have others doing all the work for them. They don't write their copy (they spend several thousand dollars on it), they don't write the info-product (they spend several thousand dollars on it), and they don't even do most of their marketing (they do joint ventures with others).

That's where all those info-products that basically say "do what I do!" fail for the average Internet user. It won't stop them from buying the next info-product that comes along and tells them it has all the "secrets."

Let's summarize:

1.) You purchase e-books and info products for secrets that will tell you how to make money on the web.

2.) You don't do anything with the information, because you don't have the skills or thousands of dollars.

3.) You buy whatever the guy sells you on the backend because that first e-book you read was great (and your hoping this one will give you the missing pieces).

How do you get out of the cycle?

1.) Admit that you have wasted a lot of time and money on something that doesn't work for you since you don't have the skills required.

2.) Decide if you want to learn the skills required to create a niche website, e-book, or info product. If you DON'T want to learn all that stuff, decide to have someone make it for you. There are companies like Stmadeveloper that will help you make those ideas a reality for less than some of those info products you wasted your money on.

3.) Give up, recognize the fact that you aren't ever going to do anything on-line to make money. Just stop doing the cycle..... you are smarter than that and they are preying on your hope.

There is really only one true secret to making money on the web. Get a space of your own, make it valuable to others, make it "sell," and promote it through effective methods.

Good luck on your journey.

Ed Charkow is a leading marketer for several companies and has helped many start their own presence on the Internet at an affordable rate. You can contact Ed at http://www.stmadeveloper.com


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