E-Book Information

Little Known Ways To Make More Money With EBooks

There are a myriad of free information products on the internet today, and actually looking to make some more money out of the act of 'giving' them away can be a constant source of much frustration. In conjunction with Johan Mok and Ewen Chia, Geoff Morris has compiled a list of some15 points that should remove some of these frustrations and actually start to make a deal more money foe the site owners.

Look at the list below, and carefully select the ones that will be of use in your web sites.

1. Allow other e-zine publishers or web site owners to republish small nuggets or excerpts of information from your ebook with your byline or ad included.

2. Make extra profits from selling monthly updates of your ebook. You could also back end sell the extra never released chapters of your e-book.

3. Give away a free ebook and then give people an option of buying the paid version of the ebook. Also let others give away the free version of your ebook.

4. Divide your ebook content into reports then give people the option of just purchasing the info they want.

5. Purchase reprint rights to other people's ebooks an combine them with your in a large package deal or private ebook library web site.

6. Change the benefits on your ebook ad copy into links. When people click on it take them right to the order page. It'll give them a urge to buy your ebook.

7. Charge people a cheap price to read half of your ebook. If they like it, they can pay full price to read the other half.

8. Offer freebies that are related to the ebook your selling. It could be free monthly ebook updates, free e-zine, free consulting, etc.

9. Show your prospects a sample page out of your ebook. Just black out some of the important info. This will make your prospects curious to buy.

10. Provide a low and high priced version of your ebook. Show benefits of each version side by side. People usually spend a little more for extra info.

11. Offer the reprint rights to your ebook. You can sell the rights with the regular purchase price or as a separate higher price.

12. Make your ebook available for offline people. Your could turn it into a print book, report, video, audio book, print newsletter, etc.

13. Redesign your ebook for specific niches. You can create multiple profits with very little work. Ex: Turn a business ebook into a craft business ebook.

14. Give your prospects discount coupons on other products when they purchase your ebook. It could be your products or others that you made deals with.

15. Divide your ebook into online newsletter issues. You could charge a recurring monthly subscription for people to view each issue.

Hopefully, most readers would have found some useful advice in the above. If you use them, and are successful, please drop us an email, with a few words on what sort of success it brought to you.

Geoff Morris has built up a number of high earning income streams on the internet, including an investment property portfolio worth in excess of $6million in less than 18 months. He and his team are now aiming any similar successes on the internet, and have a number of meaty affiliate opportunities on his main site at http://www.horizondirectservices.com


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