Email Marketing Information

To Lead or Not to Lead?

Working with Leads or Opt-In Clients can be very confusing at times, Some people will tell you that Leads are not a good source of advertising while others will say that you can not get much better ways of Advertising..

It all depends on what source of leads you are using that will give you the best results. FFA and Classified leads are ones that you should NOT use. The reason is that most of these leads are dead the day they are posted. People wast time and money using these types of leads because the person that posted at the FFA or Classified site are using a JUNK Email address so that they dont get swamped with returned email.

So what kind of Marketing Leads work?

I am glad you asked! Optin and Double Optin Leads are the ones that you need to be using for two reasons.

(#1) These are people that ASKED or filled out a form on a site for more information on marketing,advertising,home-businesses and things like that.

(#2) Double Optin Leads are the best you can get for your time and money. These are people that took the time to wait for a email message from the company and then clicked on a link for more information.

Working with these people are very rewarding. You are not only getting people that are looking for information that you have but you are also targeting your clients. When companys like search for these people they make it a point to make sure that they are looking for your product or service.

The only other option then using leads is having your own list of contacts. People that have asked to join your list for more information. Having access to these contacts on a daily bases will get them into joining your service or affiliate program. This means money in your pocket for as long as they stay with your service.

Of course the best thing to do is get on a personal level with your contacts. The Internet is so UN-Personal that it is really sad. Most business owners are in the business for a income and not for friendship. Affiliate programs are a great source of income. But allot of good they will be if you have no one to work with you in your team.

Buying leads and getting to know the people that are looking to you for advice is your #1 goal. When you send a email to your leads make sure that you get personal with them and let them know you are there to help, Not just to make money from them. In the long run you will see that the list of Leads that you bought will not only work with you but they will work for you!

About The Author

Damon Smith is the Publisher for HaileysComet Weekly Ezine. A marketing and advertising newsletter that has tips and articles that will help you build your list in less time and effort. Subscribe to our newsletter and receive free weekly ads,and our 5Part Mini Ecourse ListBuilding on a Budget!


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