Email Marketing Information

Autoresponder Services Improve Your Profits

Perhaps you, like me, have web hosting that includes, freeof any extra charge, unlimited autoresponders. That beingthe case, you might be inclined to balk at any suggestion to start paying for them.

Recently, however, I made the switch to paying a monthlyfee for unlimited autoresponders. Am I rich (with money toburn)? Have I lost my mind?

Actually, I consider this move to paid autoresponders to be a wise decision. Here are some reasons why you mightwant to pay for an autoresponder service.

1. Sequential Autoresponders: Although many web hosts offer unlimited autoresponders, each autoresponder is only capable of sending one response. Building businessrelationships with paid autoresponder services can thus increase your sales.

2. Tracking Capabilities: The autoresponders that come with your web host don't have built-in tracking capabilities. Tracking customer response with paid autoresponder services can lead to more effective advertising campaigns.

3. Deliverability: A very large number of your newsletter subscribers are not getting your newsletter if it is sent using your web host's mailing list program. Improvingnewsletter delivery with paid autoresponder services will improve your bottom line.

4. Legal Protection: Since the e-mails you send are hosted on the autoresponder service's servers, you are insulatedfrom false accusations of sending spam (unsolicitedcommercial e-mail). Protect yourself legally with paidautoresponder services.

You could also consider buying an autoresponder program(or script) that will allow you to run unlimited, sequential autoresponders from your websites. However, they can be expensive, require some technical skill, and still have some disadvantages.

For example, since you are hosting your own autoresponders, you might still have issues with deliverability and legal protection.

Paid autoresponder services, with their many advantages over other autoresponder systems, can increase yourbusiness profits.

J. Stephen Pope, President of Pope Consulting Inc., has been helping clients to earn maximum business profits for over twenty-five years.

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