Ezine Publishing Information

Ezine Publishing Information

Future of Electronic Publishing

UNESCO's somewhat arbitrary definition of "book" is: "Non-periodical printed publication of at least 49 pages excluding covers".The emergence of electronic publishing was supposed to change all that.

An Embarrassment of Riches - Part II

The DOI Foundation has unveiled the DOI-EB (EB stands for e-books) Initiative in the Book Expo America Show 2001, to, in their words:"Determine requirements with respect to the application of unique identifiers to eBooksDevelop proofs-of-concept for the use of DOIs with eBooksDevelop technical demonstrations, possibly including a prototype eBook Registration Agency."It is backed by a few major publishers, such as McGraw-Hill, Random House, Pearson, and Wiley.

An Embarrassment of Riches - Part I

The Internet is too rich. Even powerful and sophisticated search engines, such as Google, return a lot of trash, dead ends, and Error 404's in response to the most well-defined query, Boolean operators and all.

American OverDrive - LCDs in LDCs

OverDrive - an e-commerce, software conversion and e-publishing applications leader - has just expanded an e-book technology centre by adding 200 e-book editors. This happened in Montego Bay, Jamaica - one of the less privileged spots on earth.

The Disintermediation of Content

Are content brokers - publishers, distributors, and record companies - a thing of the past?In one word: disintermediation.The gradual removal of layers of content brokering and intermediation - mainly in manufacturing marketing - is the continuation of a long term trend.

How To Write Effective Ezine Ads... And Then Some

When writing an ezine ad, there is a big mistake that most people make when writing an ad. That is, they try to sell something in those ads, and there is a good reason why you don't want to do that.

5 Keys To A Successful Ezine

There are 5 basic keys you need for your ezine to be successful and here they are though not necessarily in this order.1- HostingYou need good reliable hosting for your website.

OK People - Lets Get Real!

It's all about numbers - or so some ezine publishers would have you believe.10,000 subscribers and counting!20,000 subscribers and counting!30,000 subscribers and counting!You get the picture.

How to Build Your List - 7 Powerful Strategies

If you have been an internet marketer, or had any type of online home based business, for more than a few days, then you will no doubt have heard someone say, "if you want to make money online, you have to build an opt-in list."Take that advice very seriously, because it's true! It took me a long time to finally let the list building advice sink in, so I didn't start doing it until I had my home business for quite a while.

8 Killer Mistakes For Ezine Failure You Must Avoid

It is true that sometimes in life there is a small line between failure and success. The same thing applies with ezines and newsletters.

Emerging Trends in Web Content and Web Publishing

Content is King but the web pages are still littered with writing that does scant justice to the word content, least of all creative, useful and valuable content.The first wave in the internet is finally over when we saw the design and technical elements of a website were the focus areas.

How To Make Your Subscribers Stick To You Like Super Glue

One of the biggest obstacles to building a good sized opt in list is the drop out rate. Sometimes it seems subscribers are leaving as fast as they are joining.

How To Use Viral Marketing To Grow Your Opt In Email List

If you have read my article called "What is Viral Marketing" you should already have a fairly good idea of it's potential.In this article I'm going to discuss how it can be used to grow your all essential, opt in mailing list.

E-zine Promotion: 10 Smart Reasons To Charge A Fee For Your E-zine

You publish an e-zine, you may consider to startcharging a fee.Here are some e-zine promotion reasons:1.

7 Ways You Can Make a Huge Impression With Your Ezine Welcome Message

Many times I receive a Welcome Message from someone after I subscribe to their ezine that leaves me wondering what I just jumped into. A welcome message is one of your first contacts with your subscriber, and it should say something that sets you apart from everyone else right at the get-go.

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